3 week olds are dying


In the Brooder
May 17, 2024
I had three chicks die this week, all of them were three weeks old. All of them had a squishy chest lump, all of them died within 24 hours, lethargic, not eating or drinking, and I can’t figure out what’s going on. I was not giving them grit. They were eating medicated starter feed. I did add new bedding which had extra diatomaceous earth food grade. Was that it?
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Do you have photos of the chicks, poop and brooder set-up?

Do you mean they had a squishy crop? Perhaps they ate bedding and became impacted.

What is the bedding you added? Can you post a photo of the product label?
I would be cautious using DE in a small space like a brooder unless it has a lot of ventilation.

I'd watch to see that everyone is eating/drinking and do provide chick grit (crushed granite).
Hi, I already took down the entire brooder to wash and sanitize it - I should’ve took pictures. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about doing that, the type of shavings I’m using is a brand called gem spelled GEMN it is softwood shavings from tractor supply, but I did add diatomaceous earth and I added too much I think, I added a few pounds of it not just sprinkles, and so one of the chicks was wheezing today. I definitely did not have any grit so I will definitely add grit. Yes squishy crop
Hi, I already took down the entire brooder to wash and sanitize it - I should’ve took pictures. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about doing that, the type of shavings I’m using is a brand called gem spelled GEMN it is softwood shavings from tractor supply, but I did add diatomaceous earth and I added too much I think, I added a few pounds of it not just sprinkles, and so one of the chicks was wheezing today. I definitely did not have any grit so I will definitely add grit. Yes squishy crop
Oh, yes, that would be quite a bit of DE. I think just sprinkle is what most people use. I don't use DE.

Does the brooder have a lot of ventilation?
If you have one wheezing and that continues, I'd remove the bedding and DE for several days. Line your brooder with puppy pads and see if that makes a difference.

Awww...yeah, sometimes chicks will pick up pieces of bedding and get the crop packed up. Grit may help them process the bedding, but not always. I'm a huge advocate of just providing grit, period. Just do it:D
Oh, yes, that would be quite a bit of DE. I think just sprinkle is what most people use. I don't use DE.

Does the brooder have a lot of ventilation?
If you have one wheezing and that continues, I'd remove the bedding and DE for several days. Line your brooder with puppy pads and see if that makes a difference.

Awww...yeah, sometimes chicks will pick up pieces of bedding and get the crop packed up. Grit may help them process the bedding, but not always. I'm a huge advocate of just providing grit, period. Just do it:D
Thank you! Yes I did all that and so glad for your support!!!
Hi, I already took down the entire brooder to wash and sanitize it - I should’ve took pictures. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about doing that, the type of shavings I’m using is a brand called gem spelled GEMN it is softwood shavings from tractor supply, but I did add diatomaceous earth and I added too much I think, I added a few pounds of it not just sprinkles, and so one of the chicks was wheezing today. I definitely did not have any grit so I will definitely add grit. Yes squishy crop
Don’t use shavings from tractor supply ( or anyone else for that matter) … it has been killing chicks this year like heck

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