3 Weeks old chick with head missing, What could have done this?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 22, 2013
I went outside to collect the eggs when I found one of the 3 week old chicks laying on the ground, its head was no where to be seen and had been killed recently as it was still warm and I had only just been out there and everything was fine. Whatever it was, only went for this one chick and there was many in with it. There was also older chickens running about next to them but none of the animals seems distressed in anyway. It is the middle of the day and at first suspected a fox except we have a large boundary fence that also goes underground a fair bit and they are right in the centre of the chicken yards. It may have been a cat or a crow? Idk, any ideas? Thanks alot
Sorry to hear about your chick what an awfull way to find it. I'm not sure what to suggest it could be as I'm in UK so would automatically think fox with head missing. But all your other birds are ok so would think not as the fox would have got in a frenzy and killed everything. I would double check all your fencing just incase. Hope u catch the offending culprit.
Thanks for showing your interest, The fences are fine and I looked into some more Threads and I'm starting to think it was crows :/ Poor little thing. I have put a cover over there enclosure now so hopefully there shouldn't be any more. Thanks again :)
This happened to us three nights in a row. 20 years ago we had three hens and a rooster. We'd hear a commotion, but by the time we got out to the pen, there would be a hen missing her head. On the fourth night, we were able to corner the racoon and get rid of it.
LHi there I was told to keep our baby chicks inside until they are two months old. I wonder if that would make much difference. Those creatures are determined to kill just for the sake if killing. Mean things.
Sorry to hear about your loss :( It sounds like a raccoon attack. They are very vicious. We had 2 break into our coop one night and they tore off heads. Foxes normally carry away the whole chicken and all you will see left is a feather trail. I never had a mink/weasel attack so I can't say if that's their MO or not!

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