3 y/o Wyandotte hen presenting sudden Neuro issues


Jul 20, 2020
Hi everyone! I have a three year old s/l wyandotte hen who began presenting neurological issues sunday morning (3/8). I immediately separated her and deep cleaned everything, nobody else has shown symptoms and i've been trying to minimize any contact the other hens have with her.

Sunday morning she was having difficulty eating and pecking at things, when she would peck her head would flip to the left side, like my scissor break compensating for her jaw deformity, but this hen has no deformity. When I separated her out and had her walk around, she seemed slightly disoriented, but didn't stumble or walk in circles. I kept her separated, and Monday night began feeding her vitamin e supplements. I am not sure if she is going blind, as of yesterday, i get reactions out of her pupils, but she doesn't physically recoil if i get close, and this is a hen that historically doesn't like attention, but she does seem to be able to peck and grass and show interest in bugs on the ground, so I don't know if she's really having issues seeing, it if there's something else(no eye deformities that i can see). Tonight she was trying to get up onto a roost (snuck into the coop) and every time she would try to hop up, her head would flip around, she'd stumble backwards, and/or fall over. I bought some selenium today and will start giving her it alongside the e tomorrow.

She seems interested in food and water, but has trouble getting both(can't seem to go through the motions? head twists too the left every time). No visible injuries, normal poop, laid two eggs since sunday, one soft shell one normal, no discharge from her eyes or nose, no panting, no paralysis, i've felt all over her body for tumors and found nothing, no signs of sickness in any other bird, not lethargic but seems disoriented, I can easily handle her when normally she would kick and try to get away, symptoms seem strictly neurological with head twisting to the side (please note that it's not stuck in one position, she can hold it normally and then when she pecks it twists and the movement doesn't seem voluntary.), and stumbling.

I'm very worried about her, she may not be the cuddliest, but she's a really good hen and I love her dearly. I don't know if anyone else has had issues like this, or may have any insight, but I would appreciate any help with diagnosing or treating her.
thank you so much!!
Have you tried b complex? It could be vitamin deficiency
i couldn't find b in a small enough dose for her, but she's been getting daily 180mg of vitamin e, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything, idk if i should up the dosage, but i also don't know how much is too much.
i couldn't find b in a small enough dose for her, but she's been getting daily 180mg of vitamin e, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything, idk if i should up the dosage, but i also don't know how much is too much.
You can break up tablets to a more appropriate dose, or try children's versions. How long have you been giving the e?
here's a chicken tax before i go to bed, she's a pretty girl, i'm really worried about her


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okay, do you think one 200mcg selenium, and 180mg vitamin e, and whatever the lowest b complex i can find, a day is good, any more any less?
The vitamin e needs to be 400iu, iu is the potency level. 1 capsule a day. I checked my notes, vitamin b isn't totally necessary but it can help, I'd cut in half a b complex tablet per day. I can't find my notes on what is required for that.
hi everyone! figured id give an update, my hen has been moved back in with everyone else, maybe not the best idea but she kept sneaking back in over the fence so i just gave up isolating her.
she has developed swelling on the right side of her face, there is a distinct white spot like an insect sting or small injury at the epicenter, so im not sure if this is related to her neuro issues or not.
she's both better and not better, it's weird. she hasn't lost any weight, and is eating and drinking, forages with the others, but she has trouble with sudden movement, and she often has her head twisted sideways(right side, also swelling side, up, left down) but can right it without any apparent trouble.
she's getting vitamin e, b, and selenium daily, and i will be putting triple antibiotic on the swelling daily starting tomorrow.
she doesn't seem to be developing any paralysis symptoms, and her feathers/scales etc all seem to be fine, her eyes are also free of abnormalities.
im still at a loss for what's going on with my aurora, i can't seem to pull up anything on the web, and morning seems to be curing her. there is a vet in the area that might be able to see her, but I doubt they could do anything without a necropsy, so if she does pass i will send her. i think now we're just stuck in limbo waiting to see if she recovers, or passes, or if this just becomes her new normal.


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