30 new babies! One with crossed bill :(


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
middle Tennessee
I'm so excited!!! I got my new babies this morning from a local hatchery. 14 Cinnamon Queens, 11 Delawares, and 5 Light Brahmas and I couldn't be happier! One of the Delawares has a crossed bill, unfortunately, but it doesn't look severe to me and I was reading on here how to file it down some. Hopefully she'll do all right. She's my first "special needs" chick in 3 years of chicken raising which probably isn't too bad a record on the whole! She seems to be eating OK. I haven't seen her drink yet but I'll keep an eye on her for that. YAY!!! Will get the pictures on the computer and post some.
OK here are some pictures. The first one is the little cross billed Delaware. Is this a bad one or something she can live with, do you all think?


Here are some getting their first food. I had the cover off so they could see where/what the feeder is- didn't take them long at all to figure that out!

And a cozy little Delaware just after getting her bottom cleaned off.
I had a Banty rooster with a crossed bill when I was a child (a hunnert years ago!
) He did just fine, kinda scooped food. He was my favorite, was sweet as can be. Maybe that is because I felt sorry for him, picked him up often, and hand fed him a lot. The crooked bill should not affect the quality of life, or egg-laying, or anything. Just enjoy!
Thank you!!! That's the answer I was hoping to see, that she'd be OK! I'll definitely keep a closer eye on that one and make sure she's getting food and water... and she'll probably end up with a few extra special treats along the way too.
They all seem to be doing great so far! Had a few pasty butts to deal with but I always love the snuggling afterwards, and it always cracks me up how quickly they fall asleep when they're all warm and snuggled into a nice, fluffy washcloth. This is my favorite time of year!!

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