33 hrs since first baby hatched???


8 Years
Oct 6, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Okay it has been 33 hours since my first two babies hatched. I now have three babies, but all three pipped at around the same time. Does this mean these are all that will hatch. The older two are chirping loudly and clearly stressed, running back and forth along the door pecking at it. What should I do??? I Need to know if I am putting these little guys through this for nothing. Thank you...
Thank you.. I already moved them because they were knocking the eggs around and I figured that couldn't be good. I know i probably shouldn't have, but i candled the remaining eggs and three were definite quitters and the other 3 are questionable. I went ahead and put the questionable ones back in the bator and will wait another day before I toss them. This has definitely been a learning experience.. I am happy that I got 3 babies out of 12 eggs set, my very first try..

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