39 weeks and no egg?


5 Years
May 15, 2016
I have an Ameracauna that I got late February and still no egg? Is this normal? I stopped them from free ranging for a week to see if she could be hiding something but she isn't. She is definitely a hen and she's been squatting for months now.... is it possible for some hens to never lay?
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I had one hen that was hatched in Feb but didn't start laying until late January. If you know she isn't hiding eggs then perhaps she is just very slow to mature like my one pullet was.

I've got 5 Blue Wynadottes 33wks = 8mos, still not laying nor are they squatting
but they are pretty & love spending time with them in their Run/Coop. Have had them for a month, told to put them on layer which I did which I ferment, oyster shells on the side. I had 2 EE & 2 RIR that were 5 months when they started laying!
I have an Ameracauna that I got late February and still no egg? Is this normal? I stopped them from free ranging for a week to see if she could be hiding something but she isn't. She is definitely a hen and she's been squatting for months now.... is it possible for some hens to never lay?

Possible but not likely. Do you have a means of adding a couple hours of light to the coop in the morning? I'm confident that would kick start her.

She reached point of lay around summer solstice so then days started getting shorter.

I don't know how you feed but I would caution you to take her off of layer feed till she does start. Let's say you started them on layer feed at 18 weeks. If that's the case, she's had a diet of 4% calcium since July and if she doesn't start laying till after the winter solstice, that would be over 6 months without using that excess calcium to build egg shells.


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