3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

My 4yo grandson will be staying with me this weekend ( part of the reason I decided to do this hatch); does anyone know of a good kid book about chickens or hatching that we can read together?

Mahroni, may I ask why you're having your roos decrowed (is that a word)? I'm curious if doing that would allow people to keep roos in urban/suburban areas with restrictions, since the restrictions are because of noise issues. Yet, I can't imagine that lawmakers would have the foresight to write a law that allows a fixed rooster rather than banning them outright. Any way, just interested.
WAHOO! Prayers are answered. We should have some pipping and zipping tomorrow then!!! I hope the Swedes are alive!

My eggs all look like the aircells are too large. I'll be upping the humidity to 70% on lockdown and hope that's enough.
I'm hoping that without crowing, I won't have any complaints again. I've got some really beautiful stock and I'd hate to see that go to waste.
Wow, Laree, just what you didn't need. I'm sorry for the loss of your special girl, and your incubator failure. I hope you have better luck in the New Year!

Oh my goodness! I just changed the batteries in my little flashlight and kinda peeked into some eggs. That's not candling, y'know. I didn't move the eggs at all. Some clears, some with well-defined air cells, and veins and things. And then some of the stuff in one of the eggs MOVED! Unless something bad happens between now and 1/5/12, I have at LEAST ONE EGG out of 77 developing AND alive!

Yes, I set late. Four days late.

I always assume the worst and don't expect any to hatch. That way I've been pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed. All I "need" is one hatchling to survive to consider it a good hatch. Even with the most eggs I've ever set, I still feel the same way. Sure, more would be wonderful, and it's really better if at least two hatch, but.... I haven't killed these eggs yet!
Good morning. I get to sleep an extra hour today, I don't have to be to work until 8. So that means... I was up at 3, can't sleep. Might as well go into work and do my mandatory OT.

Still trying to find a good home for my 2 extra ducks. I thought I had a handle on brooder destruction then I almost doubled my ducks again. You should have seen the brooder this morning. Well, no... I'm glad I didn't memorialize that mess with a photo.

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