3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Silly? I don't know who's she's talking about. Hmmm I wonder if I squeeze them while they're sleeping if I can get another few eggs to pop out..... I could stack more, I'm a tetris pro...
Ms.FuzzyButts :

So, noon came and went. The hubster just now..... "Aren't you supposed to be setting eggs today?" Me... *insert sound of crickets chirping in the distance* ... "Oh *$%#, Yes I was..

With that said, I set 12+1 silkie eggs at 4:25pm... There are 13 silkie eggs, I just didn't want to say I was hatching an unlucky number. So I will stick with 12+1 as my entry.

I set forty eggs as predicted, thanks to information you guys gave me. My hens laid 39 eggs between last weekend and this Saturday. Added the fortieth from the refrigerated eggs I collected from the week before. The eggs were set at noon thirty or there abouts. The bator is cooking at a steady 99.5 F in the shed out back. I take back everything I said about this Styrofoam incubator from Tractor Supply. It is fantastic if it can hold a steady 99.5 in a cold, unheated shed.
I set 31 eggs at 12:45, I popped the eggs in the GQF cabinet bator as soon I came home from church. I have 12 more eggs coming in the mail tomorrow!

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