3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Here's my Flapping Chicken entry



Good one Dar.

He's on Percocet. He probably thinks today is Tuesday.

Dar has a better brain on Percocet than most people have at the pinnacle of their mental acuity. He snookered y'all.
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Nah, the only eggs that actually went in on Sunday were the eggs in my bator. I'll wait till Wednesday.

I had the eggs Meg put in on when?... Friday or Saturday? for fertility sake?

Guess that doesn't make much difference now....
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I feel like a total freak... I don't candle at all.

Anything that leaks or stinks gets tossed, but other than that, I don't check. If they haven't pipped by day 22 I open them up see what's what...

Anyone else just leave 'em alone? anyone??

dang, it's quiet in here!
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Me. I do not candle. I have, but I find that hatching goes much better for me if I am only disappointed once. I even "loaned" my OvaScope to HHandbasket and Farmer Lew. THEY candle eggs and needed something better to see through darker egg shells.

...edited to add: "going better" does not mean I have better hatch rates, just that I don't get bummed by early quitters or other eggs which don't hatch. I have always believed that if even ONE chick hatches, it's a good hatch. If two or more hatch, then it's a WONDERFUL hatch!
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