3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

How do you do that?!?! Every time I turn mine they are calling me to candle them!
So sorry to all of ya'll who have had cooked eggs and/or cold eggs. That really sucks.

Duly noted.....LOL....This struck me as so funny.

Here's my entry for the flapper contrest:

Yeah, with the symphony orchestra being 4 hens I had just "given" him. I bought 8 three week olds and as soon as I thought I could tell their sex I separated them into M and F cages, came out with a ratio of 4M, 4F. I wanted to grow the roos up until I could see which roo developed the best color and he was the one I chose to keep. He was quite the happy camper and strutted his stuff around the girls for a good hour. He doesn't do that any more. I guess the honeymoon is ovah!

Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winnah!
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How do you do that?!?! Every time I turn mine they are calling me to candle them!

I am the same way ~ no candling ! I just wait & see! I like it that way
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All that talk about candling.... I had to do it. Well, it was time to add water anyway. *justification, yeah, I know*

I am happy to report that 20 out of 24 Kelar silkie eggs are showing promising development. I would have loved to have checked my Bargain Marans but being nice Marans, they are too dark.

On a more somber note, I just had my worst hatch ever. I had started with about a dozen of my splash marans eggs and almost that many "mutt" silkie eggs. Yesterday was day 21. I have 2 silkie chicks, 3 died during or just after hatch. I have 3 more silkie eggs in the bator. Absolutely nothing from the Marans eggs. I did the float test this afternoon and the eggs didn't sink, they weren't high floaters but they weren't rocking & rolling either. After the warm water bath I dried them off and returned them to the incubator. I'll give it another day or two but I'm not holding out much hope.

I'm sorry for my fellow BYC'ers that have had bad bater/hatcher luck.

I candled tonight. But...
so far 33 of 35 are doing great. Only two had blood rings. We had several below freezing mornings and the eggs could of froze before I got to them. I'm "winging" it on this incubation as my digital humidity/thermometer died on me. I'm just relying on my trusty 1588 to give me another good hatch. I also have to admit that I'm already saving up eggs for another hatch after this one.


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