3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!



Although my parents are each 1 of 10, I am an only child, with an only child. I cannot imagine 7 children.
Well I have 2 oozing eggs and I can't get to the shelf with another turner until morning. uuggggh

I also have 3 eggs I completely forgot about. I think I've had them a week maybe. My brain just doesn't work like it's supposed to.

That duckling pic needs to win a prize, big time! How cute!

OK, I'm making Kahlua. I should have had this done a couple of weeks ago, but I think it should be fine for anyone who drinks it early. Just tastes better when it's had time to sit for a while. I'll probably have to sample a couple of glasses ro make sure.

If rocknpaints sent eggs and they were late, I'd set them anyway. When I was getting nothing to hatch I got some of her's to hatch. Matter of fact I'm thinking blue Maranas right now, so that's who I'd go to.

Although my parents are each 1 of 10, I am an only child, with an only child. I cannot imagine 7 children.

Sorry, I shouldn't make assumptions. Seven? How lucky you are and a little girl to boot!
Ouch! The last bones I broke were ribs in a car crash. No fun at all. To make matters worse, the hospital was too incompetent to discover they were broken, my own doctor discovered it after the fact. Take care of your leg, dear. Keep wiggling your toes and get up on crutches. You don't want to get blood clots from sitting around. Sorry that happened to you.
You'll need to share that recipe!!

Has anyone heard from Dar today? I'm worried about not having any update from him.

Just poured in the vodka and brandy and I think I may have used too much. Might have to start some more syrup to tone it down. WOW!

Although my parents are each 1 of 10, I am an only child, with an only child. I cannot imagine 7 children.

Sorry, I shouldn't make assumptions. Seven? How lucky you are and a little girl to boot!

I don't know about that. I was a grandmother at 34. LOL

Although my parents are each 1 of 10, I am an only child, with an only child. I cannot imagine 7 children.

Sorry, I shouldn't make assumptions. Seven? How lucky you are and a little girl to boot!

LOL, no worries. & is great. After 4 it dose not seem to make much difference. Its lots of fun.

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