3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Flapper contest is closed. Most colorful rooster is open as is the New Years (and we're still looking for a volunteer for it, too).

As always, the calendar photo contest is open.

Run and house are shoveled out from the snow we got yesterday. It sure was pretty.
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I am a crazy person just about to head out to buy groceries at the Evil Walmart. Yep, crazy. But I need groceries and I have to work tomorrow giving shots to little kids hopped up on christmas candy.

Got my gigantic ecoglow set up. The 50 is really large! It's MUCH easier to adjust the height, so I can put one end up higher than the other. Now I have to scrub out my 'chick' nipple waterer and I am all ready for babies. Something had better hatch!! (If not, I'm going to have to bug Hot for my eggs sooner than later since I'm all set up for babies
Well I am officially out of the NYD hatch. My incubator got unplugged yesterday and my Swedish Flower Hen eggs are goners. I have a mass of cords plugged in to a surge protector under my desk and I moved the incubators yesterday to keep them from getting disrupted on the floor. I guess when I shoved the jangled mess back under it got pulled loose. It was till in the holes but not pushed in far enough to get power. I am sad about it but but glad it wasn't my emu eggs instead. I know that is kind of heartless but I have had those guys going over a month. I'll check back in on New years for the fun though. Hope your six do better than mine Mahonri.

I think this hatch could be called 'The Murphy's Law For Hatching Eggs Hatch'. If it can happen, it will happen to some hatch participant.....and today was my turn.

The room my bators are in is kinda dark so I hold a wee little LED flashlight in my left hand and that hand also holds up the lid to the bator. As I was turning the eggs, I dropped the flashlight onto the eggs and cracked 2 of them!
I candled them yesterday and I have 21 good eggs and the 6 I got through the egg swap are just too dark to see if anything's going on. So I know the eggs I cracked are viable.

What's awesome is this: I've hit literally every Thrift/Junk/Antique store I can find while trying to find out of season items so I can take my final pic for the calendar contest. While in one of those junk stores I found that they not only carry junk, but they also carry a few homemade things made locally. I love to buy things like that and support local people, so I bought a candle. This is very unusual for me because I NEVER buy candles. In fact, I cannot remember the last one I bought! I lit that baby up and gave the eggs a good waxing.



The black on the egg is from me touching the wick with the knife as I was trying to get some wax...I was quite impatient and only let the candle burn long enough to make a wee bit of wax.

Here they are, nestled back amongst the non-cracked eggs.
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Good golly, all the losses and catastrophes are crazy!! I'm very sorry for everyone who has had problems.

I have updated the Flapper Contest page- please review it, and if I've missed your photo, let me know and send me a pic so I can add it prior to releasing it for public voting.

All is well here, and boring, which is far better than having chaos. I am off to the farm, and will be back and cleaning house all day. It's a good thing.
Sounds like Murphy's Law is alive and well. I didn't check my eggs yesterday. It was Christmas, after all. I will not know if Murphy got me, until I get home from work. If all is well, I am counting down with the rest of ya'll

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