3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I only have 2 eggs left out of original 38. The 5 white leghorns that where still good at day 10 all died. I only have the 2 RIR left

hopefully I will get 2 chicks for new years.
I have not candled since day 10, when I removed 4 clears. I will candle again just prior to lock down. My Christmas Day chicks are just now hatching, though.
Laree PQG did any of the Lavendar Ameraucanas make it through Mahonri's hatch....I only sent 2 but so hoping they made it through....Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!Nancy
What is that beautiful creature?

And why no most colorful hen contests?

He's a project crele Chantecler.

Because (MOST) hens have boring colors compared to the boys....

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