3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Thanks, very informational.

Maybe there should be a cable station - BYC TV - All Chickens, All the Time. You guys could have the comedy show
, complete with giant ducklings, hatching news, and surprise reptile egg swaps.
Ack, all the cute pictures of chickies and reports of pipping are killing me! But, keep em coming anyway, tho I could do without the snakes, cute as they are.
If I remember correctly I set 167 eggs. After removing some more tonight I think I am left with 82. Some were test eggs while others I pulled were shipped with a handful of mine pulled (some were pushing 10 days old). I'll post pictures of my hatching trays and let the judge decide. I haven't had a good hatch since the first of October so if things don't change, I'll be in the running for worst hatch rate. (I've only had about 2% hatch that made it to lock down. ) I'm trying things differently this time.
I have had them catch their feet inbetween the rows or in the little hole on the bottom of the egg "cup". But have never had one get actually hurt. I usually take mine out, but have lost track of time and have had them hatch in the turner.

I had one jump in the brinsea, and get it's neck/head caught in the dangling wires. Try dealing with re-wiring things during lockdown!

I FINALLY had a moment to go check on Hissyfit, my broody.

She was sitting on 11 or 12 eggs, and only one was infertile. The rest were so healthy, I am surprised they weren't already peeping!

Anywhoos, I put her in a crate, and moved her from the top nesting box in the main coop to the silkie run. If Hissyfit lets one of her babies out of her all-seeing sight, no doubt a silkie hen will sit on the poor chick.
I have had them catch their feet inbetween the rows or in the little hole on the bottom of the egg "cup". But have never had one get actually hurt. I usually take mine out, but have lost track of time and have had them hatch in the turner.

I had one jump in the brinsea, and get it's neck/head caught in the dangling wires. Try dealing with re-wiring things during lockdown!

If you don't like the brinsea just send it to me and I will deal with it for you. Really I would do that for you cuz I like you that much. Or I can just pick it up when I come to live on your front porch.
I do believe that's cheating!

He is absolutely gorgeous by the way.

I don't have any rooster pictures right now, so he gets to be the Rooster.

Thank you, I love him and find him gorgeous too! He's actually Mom's Peacock technically, but I was the one who hatched him.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a silkie nanny for Hissyfit....somehow I don't think she'll be thrilled with that!!
Melissa, Color me green with jealousy! I bought BLRW eggs but the PO mis routed them. It took a week and I may have 2 out of 6 developing. I hope you have a great hatch!

My NYD lockdown eggs look AWESOME! 18 Kelar silkie eggs, they all look great. I pulled 1 clear Bargain Blue/Splash Marans egg but still have 10 that look good. I also have 3 of my own silkie eggs thrown in. I think that puts me at 31 of an original 40.

The eggs that I got after the NYD eggs aren't fairing so well. I had to pull the majority of lemon cuckoo orps, all my porc/lav silkies, and at least 1/2 of my dark brahma eggs.
Alright Official Contest Announcement Here!!! Officially approved by SCG!!!

Sumatra 503's Small Batch Hatchrate Contest:

This contest is for those who set 20 eggs or less. A photo of the total number of chicks hatched must be either posted on the thread or PM'd to Sumatra503. The hatchrate will be based on the official number presented by the participant on Lauree's Spreadsheet at the beginning of the hatch. There will be two winners for this contest, The Best Hatchrate and Worst Hatchrate. Photos must be posted by 1/3/2012 in order to eligible.

Prize: A Mason Jar Chick Feeder or Waterer Base (since everyone else will need a gallon water for so many chicks). One for each winner and the winners get to choose between a waterer or a feeder base.

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