3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Looked in the bator again.... I've got a zipper! Going to town...sounds like a little sledgehammer.

Make that TWO zippers.... lookit all them shell bits a'flying!
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Yes. But I remain blindingly optimistic until you prove me otherwise.

I SUSPECT, that since the US source of the SFs is still rather small, they will have a distinct "look" to them.
woot to chicks! I better get the atomic clock up on my Ipad cause maybe I can have an after midnight chick. Of course, if the chick isn't out by about 12:00:05 I'll probably be dead asleep.

For those of you with waterer drowning type problems, I LOVE my homemade chick nipple waterer. just a few nipples on the bottom of a little quart plastic bucket (with lid) and the chicks will use it right out of the egg. You can see it on the left in my brooder pic. Plus no shavings in the water!

Well I have 12 Chinese White & Tan eggs in lockdown & 2 HAVE PIPPED !!!!

I also have 39 Various Turkey eggs in Lockdown too !!! They are scheduled to hatch NEW YEARS!

I can't wait to see the gosling!!
So I went and put the warming box in the brooder box, set up the electric heating pad, tossed some straw in there. Walked away and came back to this:




It must be a baby shower with a nursery room tour!!! Even have one hen trying to leave a shower gift!

and yes, my man made me my brooder box too.

now if only the cracked eggs would, "open, open, open!"

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