3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

UH tell the turkeys that

The lady I get them from is still shipping turkey eggs now.... I am going to buy some more. She has all Heritage breeds I think and no mixes. If anyone wants turkey eggs I can check with her? THe only thing is her prices change allthe time, depending on if she is low or if she has a lot.
Remember earlier I was complaining about never seeing an egg actually pip? I saw it! I was watching another little beak trying to enlarge his pip hole when the egg right next to it pipped!

So that's nine eggs pipped, no chicks yet. 25 total in incubator. I hope one of my mutt eggs is a NN - there's 21 hens in that coop and 9 of them are NN, so there's a decent chance!
One of the three that went into lockdown has hatched but she needed some help getting out as she pipped on the wrong end and stopped progressing.
I made a YouTube video of it for my Facebook page and thought I'd share it here too (the basic information is obviously not intended for this audience).
So many eggs a hatching! I've been keeping grandson occupied watching chickie TV, he's seen 2 hatch so far and was pretty interested for a 4 year old. I've got 6 out of 12 hatched now, a couple might be duds but I do expect a couple more. This has been so much fun, but I must remember next time to put the bator somewhere that I won't have an aching back from leaning over it to watch!
Ok, the egg that as dancing finally popped, one of the pips has a bit of a hole, the rest seem to be resting. We've decided to go to an afternoon movie so I'm hoping for more to report upon my return.
OooooooooooooooooOOOOOO what're ya seeing? Sherlock Holmes was good.

Oh, chickens, yeah... I've got 13 chicks out now. Thanks egg swapper: tuthillny, #4 is out and drying off.
Thanks Halo, many of your gorgeous chicks are out. (blue rocks) Thanks seller ILOVEFRIZZLES for the BCMs and BLRW, mostly BCMs out. Thanks reesepoultry, 1 of yours has joined the outta the shell world, too.
More to come.

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