3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I think they would be due today, so not late yet. Also, I believe they can take a day or 2 longer than normal if incubation temp was a bit low overall. Good luck with them!!
Here are my 1st 3 out:

A little OEG/EE in the corner from Allbreeds
Brahma mix from Tuthillny
AM/Cochin cross of my own.
I'm actually not sure which is which on the big chicks because I wasn't here when they hatched.
They both have feathered legs and either color could have come from my flock. Guess I have to see which one has puffy cheeks
It's fun and sad all at once watching all the pics of the new babies. To ease my pain I put another bid on some FBCM eggs on ebay and finally won. I love when no one else bids. LOL So may not have any thing time AGAIN, but hopefully next month I'll have more fuzzy butts running around here.

I must have needed a lot of sleep. I never sleep. Woke up at 10am, felt dizzy and laid nack down. About 4:30 my daughter brought my grand daughter back home (today is her 6th birthday and she's been sick all day) and I'm still trying to get myself up. LOL I need to go check animals since I didn't do it yesterday. I'm celebrating on this thread and waiting for my little sicky girl to wake up so I can find something that won't bother her stomach and she can bring in the new year with me.

Always a fun time here at Kim's house.
How many times has anybody thought maybe they left the coffee pot on? The iron? Forgot to mail a letter? Please.... R-E-L-A-X!!!!! This is supposed to be fun, remember?

I can give you the scientific explanation on this one for severe cases of worry having had first-hand experience with my mother whose worry-factor went through the roof.

The brain, believe it or not, is composed largely of fat, connective tissue, neurons and blood vessels. As we grow older, our brains shrink.... It's a function of aging and can be exacerbated by excessive alcohol consumption. And it is especially noticeable in older folk (which is why a fall is so detrimental, because the brain rattles around, hemorrhages and you get after-accident stroke happening). HOWEVER, the part of the brain that deals and processes worrying does not shrink AT ALL. So as they brain shrinks, the worry center *seemingly* becomes larger (although it does stay the same size) and, ergo, worrying goes up.

My mom lost a bit of weight and suddenly she was up all night worrying about nothing. And I mean it was the silliest stuff, but she was consumed by it.

This information is just FYI: I don't know your situation, weight or age and am not a doctor. And I, too, have moments of senioritis.... Which at this age and stage I just laugh off whereas when I was younger and more prone to strict adherence of perfection I wouldn't have tolerated. Life is quite perverse and the Universe has quite a sense of humor...just roll with it!
LOVE it!

I kinda like to think that actually carrying a little extra weight is good for the brain... Keeps it nice and plump and snug in the ol' noggin.

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