3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Oh my goodness!! I simply can NOT keep up with this thread. Yes, LCO = Lemon Cuckoo Orphington.

Thank you Mrheinz and runs w/scissors for fixing my picture issues! No more pips, zips, nada on the 13 left in the bator. I don't want to give up yet, though.

RareBreedFancier: That's a new American breed... the Wee Banty Patty


Nah, it's a coturnix quail.
I've got 6 now, and another group due the 10th. They are so darn small & cute. It's hard to believe they're real.
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Well, mine are pipping and zipping all over the place, even though day 1 was the 13th. I may need to adjust my temperatures. All 5 that have hatched so far are healthy and fantastic however though!


So my New Years Day hatch has turned into a New Years Eve hatch I guess! I have counted 4 more pips! EARLY BIRDS! They must smell the champagne.
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Out of 7 eggs set, only 2 made it past week 2. I'm still waiting.... no pips.

So far, New years eve sux. My very most favorite hen died unexpectedly today. Seizure or ?? and gone... died in my hands.

She hasn't laid in over 3 weeks, so I don't have any of her eggs in the bator.

I could really use a little fuzzy butt hatching about now to lighten the mood.

RIP sweet Hedwig.
Linda I've gotten those moments my whole life. My kids like to tease me about it. I'll think I did something I didn't and they'll tell people "um She's always been this way!" LOL
Okay, I'm going for the colorful rooster contest.

It was a tough decision.

I considered my Orange Bishop Weaver finch.

I considered one of my Gouldian finches.

But since I'm assuming the intention was for it to be a chicken, I'm going with my welsummer, Cornelius. It's not the best photo of him, but I think it does show off his color. He was not cooperating with the photo shoot, because we've had a couple of recent rooster "throwdowns" to establish me as top of the flock.



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