3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Whew, just put the little one to bed; I'm beat after being up half the night with chicks and trying to keep up with a 4 yo. 5 more pages to catch up on and must find out rules for contest; is it 12 eastern time? I'm still waiting on 2 pipped eggs that have been diddling around for hours now, so they could be contenders for 12 Pacific time.

It was such fun, if nerve wracking, watching the hatch chicks staggering around knocking over eggs and other chicks; it was like a free-for-all in there! Ruh roh, I can't wait to do this again.
So this is totaly addicting isnt it? 11 total - 5 Ice, 5 Marans and 1 EE hatched so far. and about 8 other eggs with external pips.
So far one Ameraucana has pipped... Hope it makes it, and its a Roo.
sitting at 70% and 99.7.
Broody Ice has some peeping going on under her... I got close to listen and she opened her mouth and hissed at me.... Point taken!
My update from the Cold country of AZ.
Local time. So everybody has to wait until we Left Coasters get to the Magic Moment.

And there's also the Easter Hatch to look forward to, with probably most of the same participants.
So sorry! SunnyCalifornia

Had one of my 13 left in the bator pip about 1/2 hr ago! Woo hoo!
. No hope for us with the First New Years Chick as I can not figure out the clock situation, I'm just pleased as punch that there's still a chick in there coming to meet us!!
You can tell it's party time in my neighborhood. The sirens are screaming.

I keep going to check my poor eggs. I know nothing is going to happen, but I keep hoping.
No chicks here yet. I think I'm gonna have some shrinkwrapping, but getting more pips.. I think I'm at 13 or more pips now! It's 11:15 here and I'll be asleep by 12:05, so unless they come out in those 5 minutes I'm outta that contest.
I'm super pleased, my only Araucana egg in lockdown hatched!

I've been incubating my only hen's eggs with no luck for a while, this hatch is the first time I've had any develop. Sadly my temp spike killed most of them early on but this one is tough so now I finally have an Easter Egger!
Papa should be my barred roo, he's supposed to be pure bred Plymouth Rock but isn't as he throws all sorts of weird colored chicks. This one looks to be black like momma, pity it didn't get papa's barring, hope it's a pullet!

I have some more of her eggs cooking due in around a week and the week after that too.
Hopefully I'll have a whole flock of EE's soon.

Edit for spelling, must proof read more carefully.
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