3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Local time. So everybody has to wait until we Left Coasters get to the Magic Moment.

And there's also the Easter Hatch to look forward to, with probably most of the same participants.

Easter? Who's waiting for Easter?!? We have Valentines day right around the corner!!!
Woot! I have a chick! I can't guarantee it was out after midnight (matter of fact it's probably still not 'all the way' out), but either way it's not going to count.. but that's ok - none of the rest are ready to pop out yet but more pips.. and it's A NN!!
My first little chick o' the year is a naked neck. YAY.

Going to get a pic now.
Just curious why isn't there there a "WANTED" section for eggs? Maybe have a 30 day listing like the auctions? or an I just dense & havent seen it?
LMAO Trisha! That's true dedication


LOL, we were wondering what the booming noise was
I just thought it was something on the tv
Oh well maybe someone else will set more off AT 12o'clock instead of 8 something
I'm so sorry for your loss. And your current hatch. What kind of hen was she?

She was my very first Serama. 3 weeks shy of her first birthday. She was my little house chicken.
The temptation to help these last stragglers along is strong! The chicks are climbing all over them and pecking at their beaks and yet the stragglers don't seem particularly motivated by it. I don't want to put the younguns in a brooder yet as I don't think I'll be able to stay awake very long to keep an eye on them, so it's probably better to wait till morning to move them. Feel free to offer opinions one way or another.

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