3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

There is a want to buy section, would be nice if there was one just for eggs though.

see I am that dense

Ha ha, me too. I've somehow missed that section altogether. Thanks for the heads up.
Good Morning and Happy New Year:) I have 30 chicks out, 2 pipped and 8 eggs to go. I still only have one splash chick with only 2 eggs left that could produce another. Luck was with 2 of the chicks that hatched during the night. Both had pipped in the small end of the egg and both bled quite a bit from the pip hole. BUT, they hatched all by themselves....way to go little chickies!

Pics coming soon:)

Hmmm, where was I last? Oh, I think I'm now #11.

I have one more campine check pipped and just made a hole in the membrane. The rest WANT OUT NOW! They've been bouncing around the bator increasing their numbers since yesterday morning.

After that, I only have the two I thought were bad (a no show and a quitter).


well this is probably not the place for it but question: one of my chicks born last night i think has a dislocated hip. i can feel a buldge on his bad side where there isnt one on the other side, its right under his armpit (wingpit?) and it causes him obvious pain to put any weight on it. he has been hopping around on his other foot and occasionally puts a little weight on it, but i'm just wondering if there is anything to be done. (its not splayed or spraddle leg because both of his legs are under him, he spends a lot of time laying down to keep the weight off of it)
Ok, so we opened it up and it's out and seemingly fine, except that it hasn't opened it's eyes. I think I can even see the eyes moving behind the membrane there. It's chirping, and moving around a bit. I put it back in the bator to dry and rest up. I don't think I've ever seen one not open it's eyes almost immediately. Any theories?
Congrats everyone on your babies.

Sorry for everyone who had bad hatches, lost a beloved hen, etc.

Gonna post pics of mine a later. I'm getting ready to do a baby photo shoot.

What kind is it?

Pictures, we need pictures
How many of the eggs I sent you hatched?

I had my first casualty of this hatch just like that. I was picking unhatched eggs and listening to them and that one had a pip with a trickle of dried blood and the tip of its beak out of the hole. Eggtopsy showed blood in its nostrils. Apparently its first breath was blood.
Good Morning and Happy New Year to all! When I finally went to bed this morning at 3:30, I had 4 out, 1 zipping and 1 pip. This morning, I run to the bator to see the "new chicks", and
still have one zipping (and non-stop complaining) and 1 pip.
So I start reading to get caught up, listening to "the complainer" the whole time, and finally get to the end so go check on eggies. Miss Complainer hasn't advanced (may have to help), but the pipped egg is open and empty
. Can't find the chick . . . it HAS to be there, right? Finally find her behind one of my water jars, the tiniest little banty I've ever seen.
Can't get a good look, cause she is still hidding, but can't wait for her to dry off. She is the first of my shipped eggs to hatch, and was just marked "Booted Banty". The complainer is also a shipped egg and is a BCMx. Still have a couple that looked like they were viable at lockdown that haven't done anything yet, so will give them move time.

We had company over last night, and #4 started zipping (way too early for NYD contest). DH hooked up web cam and we all got to watch her hatch, which was GREAT entertainment! I think she is an accidental sex-link. Basically black with white tummy and tips of wings (no spot on head
). Think she must have been a barred rock egg, and pappa non-barred banty something, cause that is all I have for roos.

This has been so much fun and I have learned so much (and very addictive)!!! I'll be in the Easter hatch for sure, and will be back next year for NYD Hatch. Thanks for the great eggsperience!

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