3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I was just pondering, but for me, shipped eggs take 3 or 4 days, and don't we have to set them on Tues the 24th? People usually mail on Mon or Tues, so my eggs would maybe get here on Thurs or Friday, 2 or 3 days too late (or else 3 or 4 days too early if mailed the week before.) Or is it OK to ship eggs on Friday or Saturday? I don't know if/where the eggs sit on Sunday, but I've heard people say that they keep moving, and other people say it is not good to ship over the weekend. Any opinions here?
I was just pondering, but for me, shipped eggs take 3 or 4 days, and don't we have to set them on Tues the 24th? People usually mail on Mon or Tues, so my eggs would maybe get here on Thurs or Friday, 2 or 3 days too late (or else 3 or 4 days too early if mailed the week before.) Or is it OK to ship eggs on Friday or Saturday? I don't know if/where the eggs sit on Sunday, but I've heard people say that they keep moving, and other people say it is not good to ship over the weekend. Any opinions here?

The mail moves 24/7. Even chicks are sent by hatcheries to arrive on Sunday from time to time. When live animals arrive at the postal plant on Sunday, they will call if there is a phone number on the box. It's funny, some people won't make the drive to pick them up.
Jim is asking that all swap eggs be shipped by the 21st to arrive on time. I have 2 really nice egg orders coming for the V'day hatch, in addition to signing up for the January swap (X2).

Oh yeah, did I say I am all in on the Valentines Day Hatch????
I was kind of thinking I'd just leave them in the automatic turner racks. Would that not be stable enough or would an egg carton be better?

Edited to say, I wasn't planning to plug in the turner until I get to the hotel.

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Well it was a decent day, sad part was, DS#1 had to fly back to school, we'll miss him... and the tuition $$

DW and DS#1 took "Fred" my Splash Wheaten Ameraucana roo to get him "decrowed". Normally I wouldn't use a splash for breeding, BUT 1/He is Geoffrey son and 2/ He is a looker! I pick him up tomorrow at 9AM

Worked from 8AM to 1PM and after lunch took a nap and then I ran up the mountain. I'm so amazed at how much better my knee is, and only three weeks since surgery.

DD and DS#6 are having a sleep over with friends so I'll have kids all over the floor in the family room and other bedrooms. Good news is, I've got plenty of eggs to fix them breakfast!

Still waiting for word from WhiteMountainsRanch when my hatching eggs will arrive. DW just rolled her eyes when I told her I was doing a purebred Ameraucana hatch.

That's probably what I'll be putting in my bator for Easter as well, unless Boston wants to give up a few FBCMs to hatch. The four I hatched from his eggs for New Years are absolutely FABULOUS. The roo is from Bishop's Chickens, the hens are all Chookschicks.
I'll probably put in a few olive eggers as well as I really love my olive egger hen that I hatched last Easter from halo's eggs. I've got to get her an apron as she is the roo's favorite... likely because she is blind in one eye and can't see the boys coming!

Well, I'm looking forward to a long winter's nap this evening... DS#4 & DS#5 have a basketball tournament tomorrow so it looks like DS#3 and myself will be cleaning the coop.

I'm just loving my chicks in the brooder. I've got to figure a way to make my Icelandics a tad less flighty though. All of the FBCMs and Ameraucana mixes are sweethearts.

Well there's your report from the desert southwest. 7:30PM and it's 54 degrees in the backyard at present.

It's hard to believe but in MO right now at 09:48 p.m. CST it's 52 degrees! It was a balmy 65 degrees today with beautiful sunshine.....another week or so of this and my tulips are gonna pop up.
I'm in toooo! I reeeeally wanna do the egg swap as well, but I don't think my mom would let me.... should I grovel??? Get on my knees and beg?

I cleaned out an incubator that's like at least 8 years old. It was covered in cat urine. ew! But washing it with nice smellin shampoo and bleach, it only looks 6 years younger! XD

It's an old turbofan hovabator. I love them things! And the fan is freakin' stainless steel metal!

I took everything apart though, and don't know exactly how to put it back together. I'd appreciate it greatly if someone has one that they'll post a picture for me to see...?

I was being dumb and lost some of the(veeeery many) screws than came with it too. And when I was scrubbing it, a chunk of styrafoam broke off...

But still, I didn't pay nothin' for it soooo, if I get even 5 chick my effort would not have been in vain. Came with an auto turner too! I just gotta switch motors with my little giant one. With the weird pop-out egg cups... tha I lost...

Hey, Mahonri, what does DD and DS and DW mean?
It's hard to believe but in MO right now at 09:48 p.m. CST it's 52 degrees! It was a balmy 65 degrees today with beautiful sunshine.....another week or so of this and my tulips are gonna pop up.

Here in Idaho Falls it is now 8:59 pm and a warm 25 degrees.. should get up to 34 tomorrow...

We're moving animals into the barn tomorrow!!! Pictures will be taken and posted!!
Kellyn: DD = darling daughter DS = darling son ect...

Thebirdguy: can I just say 'woooo hooooo'. Yeah Man!!

So happy for you and the critters, can't wait to see pics!

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