3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Sat down with the calendar today. I believe I will sit out the Valentine's Day hatch in favor of the Easter one. I have 28 cornish x and 14 chicks from Christmas hatch and 3 from NYD hatch, and 50 quail in the bator and 3 eggs from Jim from the December swap also in the bator. Gotta slow down a bit here,
Well I hadn't posted on here but a couple of days ago one of my broodies I couldn't reach brought out some cute fluffy butts!

Only 3 little chicks but they are very cute. Unfortunately I spotted the runty teenage roo running off with one in his beak so I rescued it and rounded the other two and mom up and popped them in a hutch for safety. As I was running short of baby chick feeders and waterers I thought I'd try integrating my NYE chickies with the ones she already had. Everything was looking good but this morning she'd decided she'd actually rather only have her three so I had to take them back out and put them in the big brooder after I kicked the older chicks outside, who seem very happy out in the fresh air.

I also have another new baby! I had eggs in the incubator that someone had been sitting on and shifted nests so I popped them in the 'bator thinking I knew the starting date... nope! I went to candle eggs to see how close they looked and I hear peeping! Oops! So I checked to see which egg/s had internally pipped and oops! There is a big hole and a beak!
Closed up fast and went and got some hot water to kick the humidity up as I'd been dry incubating. Checked it later and it looked fine, in the morning it was starting to zip. I was busy that day and trying not to fiddle with it it wasn't till early evening I looked and realized it was only half zipped and was quiet. Thinking the worst I opened the 'bator and pulled it out and it peeped at me.
Carefully checked it out and it was stuck. Not really shrink wrapped but stuck none the less. Carefully peeled most of the shell and membrane away and left it sitting in the bottom half of the shell to see if it would get it's self out, 5 min later I had a happy peeper sitting in the 'bator drying off.
So glad I stepped in and helped this one, I'm sure it was only stuck due to low humidity so now I have another black barred chick to hope is female.
LONG day, but the coop is clean, brooder spiffed up, nest boxes put up in the grow out pens.

Ran the lawnmower over the back south lawn to pick up the MULTITUDE of leaves.

Waiting for a friend to come pick up Junior and some brown layers... hope he comes soon.

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