3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

One of my runts died today - I'm not real happy with the chicks from one of my sellers.. Not a byc member as far as I know. All the 'special needs' chicks hatched from those eggs. One runty chick (RIR) was doing well this morning but I think it may have been a mushy chick - that's the one that died. Another is very runty and looks to have odd stunted wings - that one's a barred rock.. and then there's the one missing an eye (who is thriving). These were ebay eggs, so I guess ya get what you pay for. One of the breeds he sent were all clears.

That said, the chicks from the other seller are thriving, as are the gigantic chicks from my own eggs.
No twisted toes or splayed legs in either of those sets, so not blaming the incubator.
32 chicks in the brooder. The one just added hatched itself but is still wobbly, but it was lonely in the incubator. Now it's in the mass of chicks snuggled under the EcoGlow.

The three pipped or partially zipped eggs needed my help, but I was too late for one of them. It died during the night, but I don't think it would have survived being assisted as it really wasn't "mature" enough yet. However, the other two really badly shrink-wrapped chicks are out and cheeping very loudly. Gaining strength in the incubator. One came from a very dark brown and and thick-shelled egg. (One of bargain's eggs, as was the little BBS Orpington I helped out of its shell.)
Linda.. our chicks share a birthday.. I have 16 Barred Rock and 6 BCM already in the brooder.. I have 5 more in the hatcher.. had to help some shrink wrapped babies.. like you.. I was too late for one of them.. and those 5 had to have a bath and are now drying in the hatcher.. so 27 new babies for me.. now where to put that newest brooder I had to set up???

I heard the tiny and almost unhearable sounds of internal pipping this morning! Either that or I imagined it, but he was rocking quite energetically this morning so we'll see it guess.

Also, I got the last couple entries added to the Cutest New Chick Contest Page. view them below and don't forget to post your own entries!!!
Cutest chick!!

I had a bit of fun with the pigs today! This is Cleatus, our boar!


This is me riding a pig!!! I am actually sitting on him and he walked around!

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