4 1/2 week old chick in need of help

Oh gees that must be so nerve wracking. Also the feelings of helplessness. Hope things turn around. We can’t get cordid here,how long is the treatment ?
I think it is 5-7 days at least.
Where are you? Can't order it online?
Once the cord treatment is finished you’ll have a better look at your options, and hopefully rule things out. I feel for ya, when my then 9 week old cockerel was wheezing and gasping for air, nothing I tried seemed to work until he started drinking and eating on his own. But now in retrospective was a mechanical injury not an illness. Can’t be illness cause it came on suddenly
Once the cord treatment is finished you’ll have a better look at your options, and hopefully rule things out. I feel for ya, when my then 9 week old cockerel was wheezing and gasping for air, nothing I tried seemed to work until he started drinking and eating on his own. But now in retrospective was a mechanical injury not an illness. Can’t be illness cause it came on suddenly
Thanks for hanging in with me...
😘 Going to buy some Pedialyte and cat food and some other stuff recommended... My goal tomorrow is to get some nutrition in her...
Fingers crossed.
Ruby's breast bone is so prominent that it's hard to feel the crop at all. It's no longer squishy, but seems flat.
I fed her a mash of cat food, pedialyte, baby food and wet feed. Getting her to eat was hit or miss throughout the day.
At one point I just felt desperate and syringe-fed her a thin gruel of beef baby food mixed with Pedialyte. She did perk up a bit after that and did peck the feed and eat a bit more today, but there never seems to be anything in her crop?
She was in and out from under the heater and when I brought in a clump of sod, she was up and scratching. There were grubs, but she wasn't fast enough to catch any. She seems determined to be part of the flock, which is a bit sad because she is half their size now.
She also seems to have stopped feathering out. Her head is still fuzz.
I'm still giving her drops of straight Corid once or twice a day and Nutridrench once a day.
And praying.
You are doing everything you can, and not given up :)
That chick needs your love care and brave ❤️
My cockerel who was injured, now he eats and keeps up with his flock mates , but doesn’t make many sounds, hasn’t crowed since.
My hen Lucky isn’t doing so great, her keel is very prominent, she’s not interested in eating. She was attacked by a weasel but survived.
She’s a Plymouth Rock


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You are doing everything you can, and not given up :)
That chick needs your love care and brave ❤️
My cockerel who was injured, now he eats and keeps up with his flock mates , but doesn’t make many sounds, hasn’t crowed since.
My hen Lucky isn’t doing so great, her keel is very prominent, she’s not interested in eating. She was attacked by a weasel but survived.
She’s a Plymouth Rock

Thank you for your message. Your hen and crow are lucky to have you.
Today is day 5 on Corid.
This morning she is much like yesterday. She is somewhat puffed up, sometimes stands with eyes closed, not much energy. I am syringing her baby food and pedialyte and offering a cup of that mixed with cat food and feed. Aside from moments where she is pecking and scratching the floor, she is not really improved. I syringed a few drops straight Corid, as I do 2x a day.

I can't wrap my head around her crop. It almost seems like it is disconnected from her mouth. Even after syringing food or watching her peck at food, her crop feels empty. Her keel bone is really all I can feel.

This video is her eating and you can see the size of her flockmates.

This is day 5 of Corid. I have to wonder if there is anything else this could be??
Today is day 5 on Corid.
This morning she is much like yesterday. She is somewhat puffed up, sometimes stands with eyes closed, not much energy. I am syringing her baby food and pedialyte and offering a cup of that mixed with cat food and feed. Aside from moments where she is pecking and scratching the floor, she is not really improved. I syringed a few drops straight Corid, as I do 2x a day.

I can't wrap my head around her crop. It almost seems like it is disconnected from her mouth. Even after syringing food or watching her peck at food, her crop feels empty. Her keel bone is really all I can feel.

This video is her eating and you can see the size of her flockmates.

This is day 5 of Corid. I have to wonder if there is anything else this could be??
hey - I'm new to your thread. A few weeks ago I had two 10 week old chicks with coccidiosis, both has very obvious blood in their poops, it got significantly worse with time. They both recovered and are doing well now. I wanted to add that I think you're right to question whether this could be something else because of the lack of blood you've found in the chicks poop and how far along you are with the corid treatment. Have you seen anymore regurgitation from her since the first time? Is she still drinking water?

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