4/17/12 Hatch buddy anyone?

Good morning,

How is everyone doing copeing with impatience? Cause I am not doing well, I want them to hatch NOW!
We are only on what, day 14?! 4 more days till lockdown people.
My temp is pretty good between 99 and 101. and my humidity goes between 30% and 40%. The waiting is killing me

Oh, I agree too. I love hatching eggs, but the wait is too much sometimes.
Except I'm on day 12, not day 14.... more waiting.
You were right! ONE chick hatched today from the incubator that my son unplugged. He/she is very noisy... Noisiest chick ever! He/she does have an issue though... The sack from the yoke is stuck to his/her back. I am hoping it will fall off as it dries. I have never hatched a chick with a yoke sack before.

No other eggs even have a pip and this chick hatched 12 hours ago.

Soooo until the other incubator that I set on the 17th hatches out then this chick is going to be lonely!

Of COURSE you can join!  And welcome!!  I would not give up on your unplugged eggs!  I read many a story on here of power failures and whatnot, and the chicks did ok.  They maybe might take an extra day or 2?  Never give up hope!  haha - to charge his Ipad!!!!  arghh!!!  I can totally relate!  Dang kids!  :/

I've had some mixed results on shipped eggs.  One time I ordered 2 dozen Polish eggs and not a one of them hatched.  :(     Another time I had 10/12 Silkie eggs hatch ok.  I have 30 Guinea eggs in the bator right now (for my mom - I hate those things!  lol)  Too early to candle yet, but I heard those things do well after shipping.  I dunno?  Do some breeds do better than others, or is it all up to how they are handled during shipment?  My local carrier brought my last box up to my house, carrying them like there was a bomb in there or something!  haha  I guess he took "fragile" seriously!
Can't wait to hear how your hatch goes - keep us posted and good luck!   :pop
Hi all,

I'm still learning here, hatched my very first eggs a few days ago. My chicks arrived Sunday and Monday, you would of thought it was Christmas morning when I heard those peeps!!

Can you tell me, in lock down when you pull your incubator plugs, what do you expect the humidity to be? I started with 18 eggs, by day 14 I could tell 3 were bad, one was bloody and 2 were not even close to the other so I dumped them, leaving me 15 eggs. Of which 12 hatched. 2 had a rough start, eggs cracked but they never really kicked out and when I found them in the morning the membrane had dried/stuck right to them. I ever so carefully removed what was needed to free them up, but one still has stuff dried on his back. Was this caused by low humidity???

Thank for your help and ideas and HAPPY HATCHING. Wish I had thought of you all then, I would of LOVED to hatch along with you all. I'm getting 2 dozen Salmon Faverolle eggs on May 12th so struggling to keep incubator open until them, lol.....
Doing an emergency hatch for a friend. She had her broody hen get killed while brooding these babies. One baby has a tiny hole in the shell from what ever got its momma and is thriving. One egg is about 2-3 a head of the others, so I'm not sure what to do about lockdown.
Hi all,

I'm still learning here, hatched my very first eggs a few days ago. My chicks arrived Sunday and Monday, you would of thought it was Christmas morning when I heard those peeps!!

Can you tell me, in lock down when you pull your incubator plugs, what do you expect the humidity to be? I started with 18 eggs, by day 14 I could tell 3 were bad, one was bloody and 2 were not even close to the other so I dumped them, leaving me 15 eggs. Of which 12 hatched. 2 had a rough start, eggs cracked but they never really kicked out and when I found them in the morning the membrane had dried/stuck right to them. I ever so carefully removed what was needed to free them up, but one still has stuff dried on his back. Was this caused by low humidity???

Thank for your help and ideas and HAPPY HATCHING. Wish I had thought of you all then, I would of LOVED to hatch along with you all. I'm getting 2 dozen Salmon Faverolle eggs on May 12th so struggling to keep incubator open until them, lol.....
Good morning,
Well yes, it sounds as if your humidity was to low. Days 1-18 I have mine at about 40% then for lock down I bump it up to 60%. At least it still sounds like you got a decent hatch out of it. Congrats on your babies!
You may want to try and very carefully get the rest that is still stuck to the one chick, off of him/her because the other chicks will peck at it and could hurt the lil baby. Use warm damp cloths to try and get it off maybe. I hope some one with more knowledge chimes in for this. Good luck!
Thank you!!! It's mingling in and doing fine so far, the patch of membrane is small. I'm out the door for work but will work on it tonight when I get home. They're adorable and so much fun to watch. My husband sits in the living room watching tv and I go in the spare room to watch, "the chicken channel" LOL!!!!
Hello everyone!

I just wanna make sure that I am on the right track and that my days are lining up right. So for those of us that set our eggs on 4/17 I set mine at 10:30 am and just want to check.... Is our lock down day on this coming Saterday???? I don't want to be off on my days! Thanks
[COLOR=0000CD]Hello everyone!:frow [/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD] I just wanna make sure that I am on the right track and that my days are lining up right. So for those of us that set our eggs on 4/17 I set mine at 10:30 am and just want to check.... Is our lock down day on this coming Saterday???? I don't want to be off on my days! Thanks :caf    :pop

Lockdown is Saturday.
I am so very excited!
Sadly I had to take out 6 more eggs today, well I took out oe for sure but I have 5 others that don't look alive. So I left them just in case. That leaves me with 15 for sure babies at this point!!! I am still very happy with that. Mostly because I was planning on selling the ones I didn't want to keep, not even thinking that is will be hard to do that because they will just be mixed mutt chickens.... Whoops...
Oh well, I might just have to give them away! Fine with me.

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