4/17/12 Hatch buddy anyone?

Congrats to all that have hatched little chicks today!
My broody has hatched out 3 already with another one pipping out of 13 eggs.
I can't wait 'til they're all fluffy and following momma around! :)
I'm very late to the party but I put in 25 marans and ameracaunas 4/17...so, I should get something soon. No pips as of yet. I did hear some chips a few hours ago. These are my first eggs layer by my own hens...not shipped. On candling we looked like we had good stuff going on...so, I am keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck all!
oh i hope everyone get some chickys today...I know how those last few days are!
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Oh, thanks for the cute pics!!! Congrats on the babies everyone! Mine aren't due until Thursday, but I've been watching them rock n roll all day, and now I just discovered.....I have a pip!!!! woohoo.. A little early, hope it's ok. I kinda expected them to maybe start tomorrow, since the temp has been running a tad bit high the whole time (around 100-101), but then again, both my broodies just hatched out chicks at 20 days, so I just don't know....
Wow, only day 18 and my silkie eggs have been trembling a little. I know silkies tend to hatch early, but I've never seen signs of life this early!

Oh, and incubator trouble. I came in to look at the eggs this morning and noticed a huge puddle of water around the incubator! I have a leak! The humidity was down to 50%, and during lockdown I try to keep it between 65%-70%.
I kinda freaked out, so now my incubator is littered with sponges and pans of water in hopes that will be enough to help out these eggs.

Hopefully I'll have some pips tomorrow!
Oh, I want silkies so bad! I was waiting on a lady to hatch some out this past Sunday. But I got ahold of her to check on progress and she said non of them hatched and they were already a week late
She did say that she will have some this weekend that will be 2 weeks old, but I am not sure I want them that old, I was hoping to give them to my broody hen. Plus she is asking $12 each or if I buy 5 then $10 each. I guess I think that is kinda high priced but I don't know much about silkies other than they are small, cute, sweet, and very broody ( These are all the reasons I want them.) Does this seem like a higher than normal price???

No body elts around me really has silkies, and I really don't want to risk buying hatching eggs and having them shipped.

Congrats on the babies. And to those awaiting hatch day, good luck to you. I still have two that are piped and 3 that have done nothing. My fingers are crossed
Wow, only day 18 and my silkie eggs have been trembling a little. I know silkies tend to hatch early, but I've never seen signs of life this early!

Oh, and incubator trouble. I came in to look at the eggs this morning and noticed a huge puddle of water around the incubator! I have a leak! The humidity was down to 50%, and during lockdown I try to keep it between 65%-70%.
I kinda freaked out, so now my incubator is littered with sponges and pans of water in hopes that will be enough to help out these eggs.

Hopefully I'll have some pips tomorrow!

Oh, thanks for the cute pics!!! Congrats on the babies everyone! Mine aren't due until Thursday, but I've been watching them rock n roll all day, and now I just discovered.....I have a pip!!!! woohoo.. A little early, hope it's ok. I kinda expected them to maybe start tomorrow, since the temp has been running a tad bit high the whole time (around 100-101), but then again, both my broodies just hatched out chicks at 20 days, so I just don't know....

My chicks were actually due thursday as well, but 3 hatched out today! Pretty weird for my first hatch lol.
I just hope the rest hatch tomorrow, because I'm afraid the broody might leave the nest after tomorrow. :/
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