4/17/12 Hatch buddy anyone?

Oh, I want silkies so bad! I was waiting on a lady to hatch some out this past Sunday. But I got ahold of her to check on progress and she said non of them hatched and they were already a week late
She did say that she will have some this weekend that will be 2 weeks old, but I am not sure I want them that old, I was hoping to give them to my broody hen. Plus she is asking $12 each or if I buy 5 then $10 each. I guess I think that is kinda high priced but I don't know much about silkies other than they are small, cute, sweet, and very broody ( These are all the reasons I want them.) Does this seem like a higher than normal price???

No body elts around me really has silkies, and I really don't want to risk buying hatching eggs and having them shipped.

Congrats on the babies. And to those awaiting hatch day, good luck to you. I still have two that are piped and 3 that have done nothing. My fingers are crossed

Hmm, that seems like a high price for me, but then again it could depend on where you live. Around here nobody really wants silkies (I have NO idea why not, they are awesome) so I get them pretty cheap, even when they are good quality.

Right now I'm trying to get a couple pullets from a lady who is only selling them for $8 each, and they are 3-4 months old and are absoloutely gorgeous!

But it really comes down to how much you want them. I really don't mind buying hatching eggs for the fun of hatching them myself, but I've had many eggs come broken in the past...
But if you do end up getting some, post pics, I would LOVE to see them!
OK...I have heard a few cheeps but nothing else...nothing. I set my eggs the late afternoon on the 17th...all seemed viable when candled on Saturday (hard to see the marans due to the dark shell).

Plus my humidity went up to 77% all of a sudden tonight after being continually at 65% with my Brinsea Octagon Incubator. That humidity has always been spot on...what is going on? Anyone with some insight?
OK...I have heard a few cheeps but nothing else...nothing. I set my eggs the late afternoon on the 17th...all seemed viable when candled on Saturday (hard to see the marans due to the dark shell).

Plus my humidity went up to 77% all of a sudden tonight after being continually at 65% with my Brinsea Octagon Incubator. That humidity has always been spot on...what is going on? Anyone with some insight?
Could mean that you have some pips you just can't see. Good luck!
hows the little chick FarminMomma? I have one sick chick too...the one I left in the incubator had his yolk cord? hanging out, not too bad but i had to snip some off, as it had egg shell on it.. and it has one eye that hasent opened yet :( I just hope his cord absorbes...oh and it was so happy to be in my hands, it was mimmicking my whistle exactly, and i mean exactly(Do you all whistle at your birds and they listen?)Oh how it seems we get so attached to the little ones huh
Ok well cat chick ( the one that Bently my cat took and played with) lived for yesterday, but sadly passed lastnight. As for sick chick, she passed some time early this morning. But I also had what appears to be my last two chicks hatch lastnight. The last 3 eggs remaining I candled lastnight and saw no movement. I'll wait a few more days to be sure but I am not holding my breath.
hows the little chick FarminMomma? I have one sick chick too...the one I left in the incubator had his yolk cord? hanging out, not too bad but i had to snip some off, as it had egg shell on it.. and it has one eye that hasent opened yet :( I just hope his cord absorbes...oh and it was so happy to be in my hands, it was mimmicking my whistle exactly, and i mean exactly(Do you all whistle at your birds and they listen?)Oh how it seems we get so attached to the little ones huh

Guess you were right...woke up to visible pips this morning. About 5 of 27 that I put in there have pips!
Oh Good I am so glad. Can't wait to see pics. I am charging my camera right now so I can post mine.
I have at least two pips. :)
Yea, congrats. Hope all gose well.
Early day 19, and I have a pip!
This is awesome, 1 out of 6 so far!
I had some pip early too, means our temps were a tad bit high but that is fine. Congrats on the soon to be babies. Good luck!
If I saw pips around 6ish this morning, and there's just a slightly larger hole (with movement) do I help it or leave it?
It can take anywhere from 24-48 hours to zip and hatch after pip. I had one that piped on day 18 and didn't do anything elts untill day 20 and came out just fine. Some people have very different feelings about helping them out. ( you decide which is best for you) On one had if the chick needs help for what ever reason getting out of it's shell and you let nature make it's own choices, the chick may die in the shell or may come out. But if it is to week to get out or is not healthy enough to get out and you help it, you could just be creating a weak flock. It may not be ok to hatch, and may get sick all the time even if it lives for a few months.

Now the reason you have to wait if you do decide to help it, is because some of them pip even before the yolk sack is all the way absorbed, then you have another problem on your hands.

Hope this helps, good luck with your hatch!

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