4 birds,4 layers,now 3 layers


10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
my birds started laying 6 weeks ago. The white one was a week later then the rest. Now she has stopped and the others are going strong. I have searched my yard and she is not hiding them on me. Can a new layer just stop? It has been about 8 days and nothing from her.Nothing has changed,food same,housing same,weather has started warming up. Is it unusual for a bird in its 2nd or 3rd week of laying to just stop? Skipping a day maybe or 2 might happen but come on
Be sure to rake through the bedding, too. My little twits just decided to start burying each others' eggs. I have to sift through all the loose bedding every evening so nothing gets left behind :p
Its possile... Maybe shes sick, or maybe you just have a chicken whos not truley ready. It might be a good idea to get her checked.
This bird now hasn't layed and egg in a month or two. She is healthy eats well,her poo looks clean. My friend who is the "Super Redneck" Chicken Gal says she is egg blocked and she's done. What is egg blocked? Anyone??
You can use the search feature here on BYC to get more information about egg bound. Just use that - 'egg bound' as your key words. I think if your pullet was egg bound for 8 days or more, you'd be noticing other signs that she was in distress.
It is possible for a newly laying pullet to lay one egg and then stopped again for awhile. So check for egg bound, but consider that she may just be delayed.
Good luck.
By egg blocked she probably means egg-bound, which is when the egg gets stuck inside. Does she walk and stand normally? Does she appear to be in any distress? What is her abdomen like? Is it unusually large, swollen or firm? Is she having any discharge from her vent? Is she trying to lay---sitting in the nest repeatedly, and then leaving without laying? Is she eating and drinking normally, and having normal poo? Being egg-bound is sometimes alleviated by soaking in a comfortably warm tub, and sometimes it's not easily alleviated, and the bird becomes very sick.
There are a number of symptoms that go along with being egg-bound. It could be that she is, but it could also be that she is being very clever at hiding her eggs in a place that is very difficult or almost impossible to find. There are threads here from owners who have found nests full of eggs in the funniest, most hard to get to areas. Let us know how things go.
Did she go through something recently, like a broody period? I have a pullet who started laying recently, at 39 weeks, and did so for about a month followed by becoming more and more broody. I've moved her off the nest for about a week, and she's really not being broody any more. She's very healthy & normal but she stopped laying eggs. I expect it will take some time for her to get back to laying again. Apparently, it's not uncommon for recent layers to become broody.
nope,she layed for 1-2 weeks at 6 months old approx then stopped and that was almost 2 months ago. No sign of distress,no hiding eggs in my small fenced in yard that she never leaves.No weird discharge,She's healthy and happy,good appetite. She just stopped one day , I never see her go into a nest box. I let her out daily and watch her,she's not slipping away to a secret stash of 45 green eggs hidden somewhere.The other 3 bird who grew up with her are like clockwork. Guess I'll replace her with another bird and put her in the crocpot . She's a nice bird but I have them for egg production . Just sort of shocked that I haven't had a response from anyone that makes sense to me for what's going on.
I also have an hen that has stopped laying about four days ago. Nothing for her or the other two hens has changed and the others are laying one a day. I did find a soft sided cracked egg under the perch two mornings ago. She does not act any differently than before and had been laying an egg a day for the past month and a half. Any ideas for a relative newbie??

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