4 broody hens on one nest of eggs


6 Years
May 5, 2016
Orange county NY
I have 4 broody Japanese hens setting on a pile of eggs for sometime now. Today I saw one yellowish chick with a white face. :celebrate They are purebred hens fraternizing with purebred roosters , but not all of them are Japanese. So more than likely they will be mixes. Maybe a few were fertilized by the Japanese rooster .. who knows?

This is my first time hatching my own chicks. I've been buying chicks for a few yrs now, but this is so much more exciting, even if they are barn yard mixes.:love
It can be addicting...Its so exciting to see the different color combinations you get...some can be super unique and one of a kind...others bland or surprisingly close to their parent's. So. Much. Fun.
I have 4 RIR (mix) Rooster x SLW chicks and 15 more eggs from the same hens due to hatch on the 16th. It also never gets old for me.

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