4 chickens + 1 duck ~ Is one duck enough?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 10, 2011
Heelo all
We have four 9-week-old pullets, (with large coop/run) and just rescued 3 baby mallard ducklings. Hoping to rehome 2 of them and just keep one female.
I know that ducks and chickens do great together... but I was wondering if the duck would prefer another duck friend (pretty sure I have 2 females and 1 male to choose from). Im also thinking at a certain age the duck might fit in with the chickens and do just fine without any other ducks.. any thoughts? Anyone only have 1 duck with their chickens?
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Sure, you can keep them together, but they sure do make a mess! Not the chickens, the duckes.
But will the duck be okay as the only duck... or does the duck need another duck (not just the chickens)?
Honestly i would keep all three if its 2 females and 1 male, my ducks stick togeather and dont hang out with the chickens. They live togeather in the same coop though. One duck might be lonely especially since its around other ducks now. Itll know what its missing.
I would keep all three ducks. They are also social animals, and while they may get along fine with the chicks, ultimately the duckie will want somebody to splash around and play in the water with, and chicks won't do that.
Thank you for all the imput. I think Im going to keep these three together; they seem attached

Although I've heard you shouldn't keep drakes (males) with chickens in the same coop. Mating time can get aggressive? Which means we'll either have to wait and see if we need to separate them (later I'm sure ~ but not sure when they mature), or find them another home ... and we currently have friends who are eager and willing

We have a decent sized coop (seems large for four pullets) with 4 nesting boxes and a decent size run too. They would be out in the yard a lot with the chickens... I just dont want to overcrowd my chickens or my backyard. Part of me wants to keep these wild mallards (especially the egg laying females)....
... but if Im not going to split them up, Im cautions to keep a male with my ladies!!!!!!!

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