4 day old - labored breathing - no sneezing - any ideas?


15 Years
Jul 2, 2008
West TN
One of my little chicks that I just hatched a few days ago is looking sluggish and seems to be having difficulty breathing...the mouth is not open, it just looks like the chick keeps taking hard, deep breaths.

When I pick it up, it closes its eyes almost immediately.

They had Poly-vi-sol in their water for the first couple of days. They are on medicated chick starter. All others seem fine for now. I am gonna seperate this one, but should I give it any meds?
I have Terramycin and Aureomycin, but I may need help with dosage.

How is your chick progressing today? I don't think I'd go the antibiotic route till you know what you are treating...jmo. If all the rest are fine then it's certainly not anything you did, just a weak chick.
Good luck to you and your chick.
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