4 days left on first ever incubation


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
I have one egg due to hatch Friday (4 days) and I am nervous. I check it on day 6 left to go and everything seemed fine. I also have 5 other eggs in the bator that are 5 days behind this one. (Got excited when I seen the baby in egg one and filled my incubator up) so with that being said I know day 3 is lock down and no turning but my question is what about the eggs that are 5 days behind will they be ok not to be turned. I am using the brinsea mini advanced. And any last minute things to look for or do is appreciated
That is fine I had a hatch like that this spring-I put in eggs as I got them, Mar. 21,

mar 23

mar. 25th

April 1. all hatched on time or were 1 day early...

some people have success not turning at all, some people say turn till day 12 I turn till day 18 there are some threads about not turning you can read. good luck.
I have one egg due to hatch Friday (4 days) and I am nervous. I check it on day 6 left to go and everything seemed fine. I also have 5 other eggs in the bator that are 5 days behind this one. (Got excited when I seen the baby in egg one and filled my incubator up) so with that being said I know day 3 is lock down and no turning but my question is what about the eggs that are 5 days behind will they be ok not to be turned. I am using the brinsea mini advanced. And any last minute things to look for or do is appreciated
Yes. Technically according to the "experts" eggs do not NEED to be turned after day 14. The only concern I would have would be humidity as it needs to be highered at lockdown.
Good humidity is 60 to 65 I have read. Should I start seeing any movement from the egg and when should I hear noises if there will be any. I think I may candle tonight then lockdown.is that a bad idea?
Good humidity is 60 to 65 I have read. Should I start seeing any movement from the egg and when should I hear noises if there will be any. I think I may candle tonight then lockdown.is that a bad idea?
I'm a candle addict so candling at any day isn't bad...lol Actually it's a general practice to candle at lockdown and mark your air cell. (I mark air cells at 7/14/18 to monitor air cell growth.) When you mark the air cell you get a better idea of where the egg should pip. (Usually in the area of the lowest point of the dip.)
I hope your egg hatches! I will be waiting for my eggs to hatch on Friday too.
Yes. Technically according to the "experts" eggs do not NEED to be turned after day 14.

I thought I had read that somewhere. Interesting. I hand-turn all my eggs 3x per day for 17 days (typically around 50 eggs per batch) so less turning is something I would appreciate.
I hope your egg hatches! I will be waiting for my eggs to hatch on Friday too.

I thought I had read that somewhere. Interesting. I hand-turn all my eggs 3x per day for 17 days (typically around 50 eggs per batch) so less turning is something I would appreciate.
Most people just keep turning until lockdown and do everything then.
I set my first 40 eggs today. This is a new experience. Can't wait to see how this develops. Any ideas of a good place to see what egg colors I would get with what mixed breeds?

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