4 eggs 1 chick urgent advice needed


Sep 5, 2020
Manitoba Canada
Hi all- My Orpinton hen went broody (she only had one egg under her) I thought maybe some of the other girls might have laid eggs with her, but no dice.

In my childish excitement I thought "ohhh babies!" & added 3 more eggs (a day or 2 after #1 was laid). So #1 was oldest by maybe a day or two. *ugh* looking back now it was a really daft thing to do.

So now #1 has hatched (~30 hrs ago), but the other 3 are probably ready to go any time (I'm keeping in mind that they might not hatch at all)
I'm worried mama will start helping her hatchling and abandon the 3 eggs just as they are about to pop.

Question is: do I remove the hatched chick #1 (keeping it warm and start its feeding/watering indoors), leaving mom to hatch the others, then sneak #1 back in there after others have hatched and started eating -OR- do I leave #1 there and risk loosing the other 3?

Things to consider:
its cold (June 3rd and its only 5 Celsius)
there are other birds in the barn, in separate area, none are broody at the moment, so no nanny birds available
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Okay, I'm going crazy waiting for advice...
I removed the chick :-\
I hope that was the right thing to do.

Mama is still on the other eggs.
Chick is warm in the house under a brooder... sadly, alone though.
I held it a bit, it snuggled into my hair.
Introduced it to food and water.
Its sleeping right now in the brooder area.

Going to check on Mama every hour. It's still cold here, and expected to stay that way for several more days.

Will Mama Accept her chick back in a few days?
Okay, I'm going crazy waiting for advice...
I removed the chick :-\
I hope that was the right thing to do.

Mama is still on the other eggs.
Chick is warm in the house under a brooder... sadly, alone though.
I held it a bit, it snuggled into my hair.
Introduced it to food and water.
Its sleeping right now in the brooder area.

Going to check on Mama every hour. It's still cold here, and expected to stay that way for several more days.

Will Mama Accept her chick back in a few days?
Sorry, meant to respond and got side tracked.

Once the others start to pip, you can slip the chick back under her. She should accept the chick without a problem. If the chick is crying a lot, you can give him a mirror or stuffy to keep him company.
Sorry, meant to respond and got side tracked.

Once the others start to pip, you can slip the chick back under her. She should accept the chick without a problem. If the chick is crying a lot, you can give him a mirror or stuffy to keep him company.
yeah, I've raised wee ones before and I've found that the mirror only entertains them for a bit- never tried a stuffy though LOL
...it's got a mirror, occasionally my 4 staring dogs (birds safe in a clear bin up on the table) and a stuffed thingie.
It seems happy enough though, sound asleep on its side like a dead bird lol
thanks for the reply! 'side-tracked' is my middle name, no worries :)
Another egg hatched last night! took so long ugh

So #1 has been in the house & is now 1 week old, and #2 in the barn under Mama. I removed the last 2 eggs because they hadn't hatched yet & we need Mama to start raising her chicks.....

Will she accept a week old chick (#1)??

I was thinking of sneaking it under her tomorrow night.
#1 is eating/drinking & running around like a total happy little spaz and #2 will barely be moving around tonight/tomorrow.... do I wait to sneak #1 in there until Thursday night or Friday night maybe?

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