4 hens (2 Silkie/Polish crosses and 2 BRs) in need of home in PA. Could travel to DE.


9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
I have four chickens that I can't take with me when I move. 2 are cute banties, a mother and daughter. Mama Frightful is of an unknown age but lays pretty well. Her baby Pepper I rescued last last winter during a snowstorm and she also lays pretty well. (I got permission to take mama too, and they spent 6 weeks inside. When they first came home Frightful made no attempts to jump out of the brooder for the first week and so whenever I was around the lid staid off and I could watch her with her tiny tiny chick. After that she increasingly tried to escape so they moved to a larger pen). Frightful makes a good mother when it's not bloody freezing out and has raised Pepper and then the Barred Rocks along with some NH Reds (though she wasn't crazy over them at first, she settled in and raised both types). She raised the BRs and NHRs out in the coop and run and did great.

The banty eggs are good for hard boiling on sandwiches imo :) Both birds tend to go broody, and Pepper is a bit grumpy when laying or broody, but they are calm and friendly otherwise. Some days they tolerate being picked up, but would rather ride on your arm if anything. They sometimes enjoy chin rubs and are cute to watch. Pepper has an adorable face with a pea comb. Her mother has a cute top hat and nice face as well. Pet homes only!

The two Barred Rocks, Snow and Coal are a year old. They lay well and don't tend to go broody. Snow sometimes manages a large egg but is usually just under (visually measuring). Coal lays a consistently large egg. Both are friendly but Snow is a bit more skittish. They make a nice pair of hens, coming over to check me out and sometimes looking for trouble. They will ride on your arms briefly and sometimes tolerate being picked up. I prefer a pet home for them, but if someone was practical and wanted to keep them for eggs for a bit and then humanely slaughter them for food after, that would be okay.

They don't peck at your hand unless you are messing with them on the roost, and then only sometimes (usually when they are tense/scared from something outside their coop). Even when they are annoyed in the nest box they don't peck, so collecting eggs is never a problem.

I'd prefer all four went to the same home. Decent management and safety from predators (as much as possible given that s*** can still happen) are a priority. I have the option of taking them to my grandmother's/uncle's but they just lost a chicken so I'm a bit wary. So please don't be offended if I ask questions as I'm looking for a better option than their house, particularly for the banties as my uncle wants to turn all spent hens into stew hens later on.

Oops, sorry! I'm north of Lebanon, which isn't far from Hershey...
I'm in McConnellsburg, north west of Chambersburg. I could take them in if no one else is interested. I'm starting to push the limits of my pen (I think) but some of the babies I have will not be staying as I will cull most of the roos (ummm, supper). I already have 3 silkie/polish crosses( 3 mons old) as well as a pair of tolbunt Polish. The rest of my flock consists of Black Copper Marans, 3 diff kinds of Wyndottes, 2 leghorns, Amerucanas, turkeys and a Peacock.
Just as info; My coop used to be my back porch, so it's attached to the garage and right out the back door. Fencing is 7 ft heavy plastic deer fencing that I put about 1-2 ft in the ground to keep predators out. Have bird netting over part of the area. Started out with it over the whole area, but winter snow took it down and I haven't figured out how to put it back up without it taking down my fence. I have found it to be really not needed cause if there is a hawk around, the 3 roos, tom turkey and peacock start making such a racket and facing it down while everyone else hides, the hawk doesn't stand a chance! Fenced area is all grass with plenty of tall weeds for hiding and keeping cool in as well as a lilac bush and a fan inside the coop. One of the windows lets them go out into my dog run if they want to. Dogs( Shelty and Chinese Crested) don't bother them at all. Actually I think they try to avoid them cause they get chased by roos and turkeys! The windows of the porch used to be screened. Took most of them out so flock can jump in and out as they want. I do seal them off with plastic and insulation board for winter. Still plenty of airflow, keeps the worst of everything out. Any other questions, let me know.
Thanks PeaceEagle. Your place sounds nice and I'm glad you won't have too many Roos ;)

I will have to think how to get them to you if no one else is keen. They are nice hens. Right now I've kicked them out of the coop to help Frightful and Pepper break their brood. They are stubborn girls ;) It's getting hot though so I will have to let them back in....
Wow that is soon. Packing, packing, packing.....ugh. I hate packing to move. The last time I moved(in 92) I had a 2 yo and a newborn. Moved from Johnstown to here. I swore then if I ever had to move again I was selling the house "as is" with all our stuff in it and just collect new stuff when I got to the new home!
Rather then waiting ,looking for someone else, I will take your girls. We can figure out how when and where if you want to leave me a message. I'm available most of the time,,so I can pretty much work around you.
I've never been so happy to throw or give away so many things. Apparently I should move more often, because I managed to have less stuff when I moved more ;) It is nicer to move short distances though. I can always swing back here, or my uncle can, or my mother can...

I am actually waiting to hear back from someone in Delaware. This might be a good option because I might get my Frightful and Pepper (and maybe Coal and Snow) back once I find a new place which is chicken friendly (whenever that is because this move will cost me! gaah. At least 9 months. *sigh*)

So no rush. :)
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