4 legged chick 2 possible vents please help


5 Years
Dec 2, 2014
14 chicks hatched in same nest under same broody hen in a few hours 13 healthy, one deformed, a
4 legged chick, 2 possible vents.(not sure if both work) With questonable areas in creases chick has so far survived to almost day 3 is eating and drinking on its own and getting around on its own my concern is with its ability to poop and pee properly, we did not have the heart to cull the chick that seems strong and wanting to live otherwise
Thats what we are planning on doing, just was wondeeing if theres anything that can be done to monitor bowel movements, the functioning vent, or assist by tiny gentle massages or epsom salt warm watee butt soaks lol
Ok so its been a few days but like a day or two ago the extra legs and body tissue" butt flap" started drying out and shrinking up as if its eventually going to fall off hopefully. Chick is drinking and eating on its own but is now noticeable slightly smaller than the rest. His proper placed legs are dominate strong and support him upright when standing or walking. But hes constantly peeping loudly either because the chick is in pain or some sort of distress. Apon looking at the area it seems the blood supply has been partly cut off to the extra legs and blood is scabbing at the leg joints near the spine.
14 chicks hatched in same nest under same broody hen in a few hours 13 healthy, one deformed, a 4 legged chick, 2 possible vents.(not sure if both work) With questonable areas in creases chick has so far survived to almost day 3 is eating and drinking on its own and getting around on its own my concern is with its ability to poop and pee properly, we did not have the heart to cull the chick that seems strong and wanting to live otherwise
not sure about chick .I had a dog that had six legs he did just fine

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