4 month old hen with wry neck

I think I will keep them until they crow just to be absolutely certain that they are male, if they are and remain beneath the hens in the pecking order or turn out to be easy going roos without any fighting or aggressive behaviour then I might be able to keep them inside at night until they do their morning crowing then let them outside after that, they have alot of room to run around and a few toys to keep them occupied, a large swing and a make shift jungle gym I built them plus more toys I might throw together in spring, so if in the unlikely event that ALL of those things happen lol.. Then il be a happy camper but all I can do is hope for the best and plan for the worst right now, it's nice to have the orchard as a plan B just incase
You have a plan...that's the main thing. I hope everything works out for you.
Oops my bad :lol: :D here's one of smokie and snowy having a nap on the kitchen windowsill,, they're very cuddly like that that's what made me think they were hens, would anyone be able to move this to the sexing a chicken section if possible pls
Uncles coming this week to pick them up, guinea pigs gave birth this week so no room in the porch for them to stay, even if they did the porch is pretty close to the neighbours so they'd be able to hear them do their morning crowing anyway :( just to be absoely certain.. Is there any possibility that because of their breed that they might be hens? They are cross bred but have barred rock and rhode island red in them, thanks

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