4 month old ISA brown wont stand or walk - PICS INCLUDED


Jul 15, 2021
Central Illinois
Good morning... yesterday I noticed my 16 week old ISA brown being less active. She was walking around, but not her normal self. It was almost "bedtime" and she was not going into the coop with the other girls.

I picked her up and looked her over and she seemed fine, chirping to me and moving her legs around. I set her on the lower roost bar in the coop and decided to recheck her this morning.

Well today she is worse. She didn't leave the coop with the rest of the flock this morning. She was still laying in a slump in the shavings under the roost area.

I picked her up and looked her over again: her eyes are clear and bright, no discharge or mucous from her nares or mouth. No wounds on her body. I looked over her legs and feet VERY well, and there are no wounds or signs of bumblefoot.

She just won't stand up. I brought her inside and set up a quick crate to try to help her. I put Nutridrench in her water, and a somewhat distant heat lamp incase she has been getting chilled outside. She is eating and drinking fine. When I don't support her backside, she ends up getting off balance and leaning back on her "knees?"...she tries to use her wings to support herself.. I used a towel in the crate and pinned it up to support her back-end so she doesn't lean back and fall away from the food and water. She seems to close her eyes/want to sleep a lot.

Does anyone have an idea of what could be going on with her? Or anything I can/should do that could help? I don't want to lose this girl and I am so worried for her.

The girls have a large coop(8sq ft per chicken) and a large run(15 sq ft per chicken). They were all vaccinated for Mareks as day old chicks. I feed All flock crumbles, free choice oyster shell and small amounts of scratch. Mealworms for treats occasionally as well. None of the other chickens seem to have any problems at all.
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Not that I can tell. She closes her eyes like she's resting a lot, but she doesn't seem to be having pain (that I can guess.) I moved her legs this morning while I was inspecting her and she had no bad reaction, just happy-talking to me. Her toes grip, but can also lay out straight.
How old is she?
Hmm. I wonder if she can't feel or control her legs. Can she get around very well? Chickens are great at adapting to one leg, half a leg, or half of both their legs! As long as this doesn't spread...

@Eggcessive @Overo Mare @sourland @U_Stormcrow can you guys help at all?
She doesn't stand up or support her weight... if I lift her up she doesn't really put weight on her legs or walk. She just kinda sits there and uses her wings to stabilize herself on the ground.

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