4 month old pullet panting, relaxing wings a lot, and white poo. Not sure if sick.


7 Years
Dec 19, 2012
So I just brought my girls inside (they were afraid of the storm lol) and Gretel (black EE) is acting a little wierd. She is panting, and relaxing her wings so that she looks like a football player with gigantic shoulders. When I was holding her she pooped on me and it was white and not very much poo. Here's a pic of the shoulder thing:
What might this be? Is she sick? is this normal for 4 month old pullets? The other chickens are only panting, not spreading their wings and haven't noticed any other weird poo.
So, is it hot where you are? Perhaps she is just cooling off? And, her poo might have less substance if she is drinking more than usual due to heat. But, this is just speculation on my part...
It is VERY hot where I live (Northern NV). It got up to 99F over the weekend. That sounds like a good explanation

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