4 new baby chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2017
Eugene, OR
Just got 4 new baby chicks 2 are 8 days old & 2 are 2 weeks old. I just called the shop I purchased them from and they were vaccinated for mareks. I have them on an unmediated feed. Is there anything else they will require in the near future?

Thank you!
I've learned the last few days that a little apple cider vinegar in their water goes a long way it stopping some bouts of pasty butt! Oh and chick grit! It's a must have for good digestion. That's about all I have, but I'm sure other people here know more. My babies are about the same age as yours. Good luck!
I put a little roost in my brooder and they love it. It took a few days for them to learn to balance on it but now even my week old little girl is resting on the roost! This is my first time raising chics so I don't have any reason for doing it other than I thought they would like it.


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