4 or 5 Pullets, WTB or take off your hands


9 Years
Jul 25, 2010
Webster, Wisconsin
I need to expand my flock a little as my egg orders have gotten as such that I have no eggs for myself

I am looking for 4 or 5 pullets that are between say 9 months and 1 year old as my flock is just shy of 1 year and I would like to keep them all in the same age range. Breed really doesn't matter, although I prefer colored eggs over white, and medium to large size, I will not discriminate at this point as long as the eggs are not small, and the hens are standard size. I am in the Northwest Wisconsin area, about 60 miles south of Superior.
I have a nice size coop and a large outdoor pen and my chickens are very spoiled. In other words, they would be going to a very good home! Thanks!

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