4 Week Old Barred Rock--Pullet or Cockerel?

I always identify barred rock genders not only by the comb but also by the barring. As males have more white.
I agree they usually do but this time I think the usually is wrong, I think I see some saddle feathers coming in.
I agree they usually do but this time I think the usually is wrong, I think I see some saddle feathers coming in.

I have been going back and forth...Thought I definitely had a cockerel for a while, then thought I maybe had a hen...now thinking I may see some saddle feathers in, too. He/she is playing games with me!
That's a rooster, it will lighten up as it's feathers come in more.

That's what I'm thinking, too. Was just a little hopeful that maybe he'd be a she!


These are my barred rocks when they were 9 weeks. They are now 12 weeks. I do not have any recent pictures but you can see the differences between the male and female. Also mine are the same age as yours and my pullets comb looks just like yours. My cockerels is way bigger

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