4 Week Old Chick - Bottom Bleeding


5 Years
Mar 28, 2015
I need help - my 4 week old chick was being pecked in the butt by the other chicks. All feathers were picked out and bottom was bleeding. I separated her yesterday and put some Neosporin on the wound. Today it looks worse! Really oozing, still fresh blood coming out (was on the pine chips). She is eating and drinking like normal. I think I might have made it worse by putting the ointment on? Not sure if I should just leave it alone, or try to clean it out better. Thank you for your help. I am a new chick mommy and not sure what to do.
You can slow or stop the oozing by dusting it with a little corn starch or flour. There's also a product in feed stores for this. You can use a styptic pencil, too, but they hurt so much I wouldn't.

The neosporin probably didn't hurt anything. Mostly she nust needs to be alone til she is healed. In the meantime, see if you can figure out whether you have a "head bully" in your flock. If so, you can remove her from the flock for about a week when you put your healed up chick back with its flockmates. If not, well, it may turn out she will continue to be picked on by the others - or it may not. I hope things are peaceful for you at that point.
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Now I caught her picking at her own bottom. I am sure the dried/crusty stuff is bugging her but don't think I should wipe it. Might make it open back up! I don't think that she was being bullied, if anything this chick seemed like the one in charge. Thank you for the advice. I might try to get to the feed store tonight, if not will go with some corn starch.
You might have to fashion some sort of chicken diaper for her for a day or two, to keep her off the area. I woud start with an old Tshirt.

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