4 week old cockerel broke leg at knee joint

Sep 30, 2017
My 4 week old cockerel has broken his knee joint. I found him laying in the woods on his side with the mother hen and the 2 other chicks sitting by him. When I found him his entire lower leg was lame but he could still move his thigh. Its been about a week and a half and he has been staying in a 40 gallon terrarium on a towel with hay and a heat lamp. He seems to be eating and drinking but I think he is still getting skinny. I dont want to put him down but I dont have the money to go to the vet. What do I do?
Do you have any pictures? Did he have any trouble with or an unusual leg before? Do you know how he might have injured it? Make sure that he is close enough to food and water. I would mix some wet feed, egg, or tuna and feed him several times a day.
Do you have any pictures? Did he have any trouble with or an unusual leg before? Do you know how he might have injured it? Make sure that he is close enough to food and water. I would mix some wet feed, egg, or tuna and feed him several times a day.
Right now I cant take any pictures because I am at school. He did not have any problems with his leg before and I have no clue how he broke his leg at all.
If a vet is possible, and the leg is broken, it might be splinted. It could also be a torn ligament or tendon. You might want to use a chicken sling to get him upright for a few hours a day to eat and drink. Some chickens will try to escape from them though. You also may want to give him 1/4 tablet daily of human vitamin B complex in food or a spoonful of water. Here is a good link with 4 pages of chicken slings that you can make at home:
If a vet is possible, and the leg is broken, it might be splinted. It could also be a torn ligament or tendon. You might want to use a chicken sling to get him upright for a few hours a day to eat and drink. Some chickens will try to escape from them though. You also may want to give him 1/4 tablet daily of human vitamin B complex in food or a spoonful of water. Here is a good link with 4 pages of chicken slings that you can make at home:
He is has been standing but keeping little weight on his leg. He wants to get up and move around, but his body cant. Will try to make a chair soon.
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If a vet is possible, and the leg is broken, it might be splinted. It could also be a torn ligament or tendon. You might want to use a chicken sling to get him upright for a few hours a day to eat and drink. Some chickens will try to escape from them though. You also may want to give him 1/4 tablet daily of human vitamin B complex in food or a spoonful of water. Here is a good link with 4 pages of chicken slings that you can make at home:
I think tonight is his final night. He has stopped eating and drinking and I cant force feed him. He can barely keep his head up. I stuck him under mother hen in the coop with his brother and sister. I feel terrible since this is the first time Ive hatched chickens. Before we have hatched ducks and geese with no problems. I know it isnt disease since he has been quarantined for at least a week and a half, but I think he hasnt been drinking at all for the past few days. This sucks

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