4 weeks old, husband THINKS it's a male? Anyone...?

I mentioned “Sorry but I agree BananaBread looks like a boy to me also” but probably should have added, that if it was me and I was hoping for a girl, I would probably wait a while longer before making a definite decision.

Ol Grey Mare has raised a good point in that there is not significant wattle development.

With the new photos, I am still swaying towards Boy but I am the first to admit that I could be wrong

Edited to Add: Either way .. that is one cute little chicken! :)
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Ok... I just posted some other pictures of him/her. I was really HOPING it was a "she" - I love this little fuzz butt. This chick is the coolest of them all !!
Parker707 there is always hope until (s)he lays an egg or crows .. having said that, some hens crow

Seriously, to be sure, you could leave it another couple of weeks and see if (s)he gives you any other indications of gender. If (s)he is in fact a he, you may be hearing some early attempts at crowing by then.
It looks like a Leghorn. They get large combs, pullets included. I would wait another couple of weeks to see if the comb and wattles gets any more color.
Thank you !!! While we were sold an "Americauna" I would certainly settle for a female Leghorn !!! She/he is going to stay with us for a bit then, just to be sure. Thank all SO much, I am so glad I found this website. GREAT info from A to Z. I fought this whole "chicken thing" with my husband but in the end I'm really enjoying it. CINDY

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