4 year old hen with poop that looks kinda like runny egg salad

Kelly FG

13 Years
Jan 13, 2007
She has now stopped eating & drinking, wouldn't even take yogurt or corn this morning and she's been laying down in a box since yesterday.
She was the top hen in my flock and my absolute favorite lap chicken, my world with chickens will never be the same without her!
Her condition declined really quickly, she's been very docile for several weeks and not eating as much but I had no idea the end was near. She hasn't layed in a very long time, but she was never a good layer. She has no injuries.

Is there anything I still can do to save her?
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Sorry about your hen. It sounds like she may have been ill for a while and you didn't know. It happens. Have you wormed her lately? Checked for parasites? Those two things are the first things I do when my hens start acting "off". It may be too late for an effective treatment plan, but it's worth a try. Again, sorry.

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