40 hens, 7 eggs?

That was my first thought, because I did find one with yolk-beak. So we've got new roll-away nest boxes, and a ton of golf balls coming. But I wanted to see if anyone had comments on the feed/maintenance situation too.
UGH, come on chickens! Yesterday we only got ONE EGG. Out of 30 hens. 30 hens, ONE EGG. I'm seriously about to lose it and just stick them ALL in the freezer.
We had the same issue and it ended up being a possum...darn possum was getting all the eggs. I went months w/out finding an egg. Set a trap and caught a possum. Now with 9 hens I get 7 eggs a day...that musta been one fat possum!!!!!!!!!!
Really??? Possums came out in broad daylight?

Where did you put the trap? How did you bait it, how did you keep the chx out?

Okay, experiment. I put 9 eggs in there with black X's on them, and then put white paper under them (with a bit of straw on top). We'll see if theres any yolk signs and if any of the eggs disappear.
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