40 weeks and No eggs from one hen.


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Do I have a problem here? Anyone else ever had a hen who still not laying at 40 weeks? And she's not a roo. hmmmm
No, if they mature too late in the season they will sometimes not lay until the following spring. I have a pen full of 30+ week old non layers at the moment.
She's an Easter Egger. Born last May 6th so she is actually 42 weeks I believe.
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and RIR are supposed to be hardy layers. I wonder.
We have a pet shop in town, its mascot is what I believe, to be a splash banty cochin.. Not sure though.. Could be a mix. It is a year and a half.. And it has never laid an egg.. That is why it is the pet shops mascot.. The previous owner didnt want it, because of no eggs.. But she is a good broody though.. He took her to the vet, and they dont know why she doesnt lay..

I'm afraid those birds would be culls here.

Biddieacres, we have EEs from a April 29 hatch last year - only 1 week older than yours. They were laying by mid-Sept. We've been get a 70-75% lay from them all Winter, except for a couple very cold weeks they cut back but still laid 30%.

Aville-man, RIRs under a year old should be laying too.

We supplement light. We use a timer and add enough evening light to make 16 hrs total per day. We feed 20% protein, free choice. Also, fresh water everyday and never let them run out.

If they won't lay under those conditions - well then, it's soup pot time here.

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