4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

has anybody else had two chicks mysteriously show up outside in the coop with no mother or nest to be seen???
pictures or it didnt happen

found the nest!! it had two egg shells opened and no momma on it. I put the other eggs in the incubator so they might hatch (they were stone cold so probably not), she put her nest under an upturned wheelbarrow insulated on one side with fertilizer bags and straw bales all around it, god mamma :D
I wonder why she just left them there?
they were freezing cold, and in the henhouse when i found them. im beginning to think i should have left them, but then i remembered they were so cold it would have been a matter of minutes before they died. The mother hen was a red star that often came out from around there but i never thought anything of it.
she probably looked away one second and back another and i had already scooped them up. I sat around awhile to make sure nobody was freaked out looking for a chick or two, but nobody was worried, and nobody had their stomach feathers plucked out.

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