5/6 Week Specials - 12+ Hatching Eggs - You choice either 3 or 4 of a Kind Breed - Rare Breeds incl


Love God, Hubby & farm
11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Bowdon, GA
We Can Take more Orders of these!The Garry Farm is extending this special another a wonderful week & sharing OUR PTL joy that the farm got a much needed rain - 1.5 inches of beneficial raid. 12+ means we offer minimum of 12 eggs in a You Choose special variety pack, more if available. We shipped several of these variety packs last week and thought we'd continue you them for a week or so more. You can pick 4 eggs from 3 different breeds (your choice) listed or you can pick 3 eggs from 4 different breeds your Choice). We are excited to list this special since many BYC'ers have asked for a variety of eggs in small quantities.12+ means 12 eggs and more as available. Ready to buy, please reply below to say Sold & list 3 or 4 breeds you want. When a particular egg is sold out (by our best estimate) we will list sold out by that breed. Okay Let's see The Breeds You Can Choose from:


French Black Copper Marans

Lavendar Orpington (sold out for this week)

Heritage Delawares (sold out until Wednesday to handle another BYC large order )

Red Stars (Rhode Island Red roo over Heritage Delaware hens)

A Splash Copper and Blue Copper Marans pen (will yield Splash copper, Blue Copper and Black Copper)

Blue, Black and Splash Orpingtons

Speckled Sussex (sold out for balance of the week)

Coronation Sussex

Easter Eggers

And Wheaten Marans (sold out for this week and next week)

Shipping Costs and Details:
For this listing we will accept either Paypal or cash upon pick up (no epay please as it will delay shipment) You can pick up at the farm on a scheduled visit. We can fill an estimated 3 to 4 orders of these variety packs this week. When a particular breed sells out (I'll list sold out by it). If you don't use paypal, please contact us directly for how to order .

Please know we routinely check for fertility and do hatchings on a regular basis, but we do NOT guarantee hatch rate, as there are factors beyond our control - delivery conditions and your incubation and so we do not replace eggs. We will consider best offers but no guarantee that we will be able to accept them.
Shipping the way we ship is $17.50 and we don't ship in egg cartons but we use a box inside of box which is described in the last section of this listing. Our paypal is [email protected] so you can proceed to order/pay and then post below what you just ordered so I'll amend the listing of availability. Please do message me with you name & address as paypal doesn't always show that and if you want anything other than Fragile on your box, I'll do that. If you want to pick up at the post office, I'll need your phone number!

For more pics of our poultry, please see our other auctions and also look at our web site at the poultry pictures or at our Facebook pages! Here are the website pics of our chickens (sorry red star needs to be added to website - just started offering those)

More information about our full time farm and our philosophy is available at our website
how we ship: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/the-garry-farm-how-our-eggs-are-wrapped-packed-and-shipped
or facebook The Garry Farm Happy & Blessed Bidding! We're fulltime farmers,please give us time to answer questions!​
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I am looking for a dozen multipurpose eggs to hatch. I think I would need Orpingtons and maybe some Red Stars, but you know your flocks best. What would you suggest. I mainly would use them for egg laying but harvest the roos for the freezer. I live in Vermont and it gets below zero at times in the winter. I've done a bit of reading on the breeds but everyone seems to breed their birds for different outcomes.

Jackie, I've sent you some suggestions as a message here on BYC. Thanks for your interest and would love to fill an order for you. Thanks and have a blessed day! Nancy
posting here to mark this for later. I'm waiting on my incubator to arrive :)
JenaRN??? Just was hoping there may be another RN out there loving on those birdies!! Hope you're well and as blessed with henny pennies as I am.
I would like to get 4 each of Coronation Sussex , 4 Speckled Sussex and 4 Splash Copper and Blue Copper Marans to arrive late next week, can you let me know if this is possible?

Hi, been have some computer issues, will need to modify your request as Speckled Sussex are no longer available as they are on a reserve hatch... Please following the shipping instruction in the ad and we'll begin collecting eggs. have a blessed day and thank you. Nancy
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